FM gets Blue Screen of Death whenever I start a match

Apr 20, 2011
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So yeah, I just bought FM2011 and installed it on my computer running Windows XP, but whenever I try to start a match, it doesn't even begin to start it, it just immediately goes to a Blue Screen of Death. I guess it's a graphics issue but I tried running the Windows Software Update on my random Intel graphics card and it said all drivers were up to date.

Also, somebody suggested running it without 3D camera controls, and when I did that, it still refused to go to the match, but didn't crash, it instead just gave the error message "no element found at line 157 of state-MATCH SCREEN.xml" and wouldn't allow me to proceed.

FM works fine for all areas of the game except when I play a match.

Please help.
my laptops got the actual blue screen of death at the moment and it wont actually let me go on, but it is being fixed as i talk so it's all goooood. ;D

Try and update your Windows by going to Start > Control Pannel > Windows Update and check for the latest dl.

Otherwise it may be a problem with your harddrive, or any websites you've been on lately. But yeah, it's probably to do with something in the computer/laptop like Harddrive overheating or Graphics card. Try and not go on it for a day or two, it may of overheated, worked for me the first time i got it.
my laptops got the actual blue screen of death at the moment and it wont actually let me go on, but it is being fixed as i talk so it's all goooood. ;D

Try and update your Windows by going to Start > Control Pannel > Windows Update and check for the latest dl.

Otherwise it may be a problem with your harddrive, or any websites you've been on lately. But yeah, it's probably to do with something in the computer/laptop like Harddrive overheating or Graphics card. Try and not go on it for a day or two, it may of overheated, worked for me the first time i got it.

I ran Windows Update, there were a couple; but when I ran it again it still BSoD'd. I caught a glimpse of it this time, it said something about "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA".

Also I installed FM having used my laptop for a grand total of about 2 hours in the last 3 days. So it can't be that.