
Jan 21, 2013
Reaction score
I cant seem to be able to edit as a button never comes up! i have installed FM13 through steam but cant find the editor anywhere can someone please help????
hey why is it when I edit a player and change his stats all to 20 when I start the game up all his stats are 15/16 not 20 ?
Numpty alert, I have downloaded leagues upto level 9 just downloaded the editor from steam, now need help to install the database into this. Please help
This is probably staring me right in the face but when I go to steam then games library I can't find tools. Where abouts is it?

I have FM purchased on Steam I have installed the Editor but everytime i try to open it i get this error

Warning : Failed to find a deault database to use. Please make sure your instalation is not corrupt.
Warning : Could not find lang_db.dat

i have already re-installed FM and FMeditor.

Anyone knows how to solve this?
Problem solved.

The problem was that FM2013 was installed on the D:\ disk and the Editor on C:\ disk.