FM22 - The Hitman Challenge


Aug 11, 2013
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So recently over on the FMBlog website, they have released a new challenge of sorts (well new to me anyway). This challenge being Codename 47, a challenge based on the hitman games.
So what does the challenge entail?
It encourages you to go from different countries and try and do certain tasks to try and follow the Hitman games. So I am going to try and do this challenge myself.
The first part of the challenge is in Hong Kong
Your aim is to try and win the treble (or the three cups in general) but you are not allowed to use the two big dogs Kitchee or Eastern AA as they are feuding triads. This leaves with me with 6 other clubs to choose from and because I do love a good challenge I am going with the worst as I want this challenge to last me a while.
So let me introduce my first club

Hong Kong Football Club (original name I know)
and you guessed right they are expected to finish stone dead last by some distance

I know this save is going to take some time so I am going to be updating yearly and seeing what I can do with this club's first season. Anything then dead last I am going to take as an achievment/
So one year down the line and how is my life going with Hong Kong FC?
I have a new job and it is with the club that has the best name in the whole league. I am now the manager of Irn Bru Rangers.
Mid way through the season the manger left the club and I instantly applied and obvouisly I got the job.
So how did the season go?
Well we came 3rd in the league but quite a bit way off the leaders.

How about the cups?

Other then the league I was only with Irn Bru for the Hong Kong FA cup and got knocked out in the semi final which wasnt fun.
My aim for the next season is to try and take a top 2 place so I can get some money via the asian champions league


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So second season has finished and have we managed to win anything yet?

We came runners up twice and lost into the semi final. We just arent good enough to beat Kitchee or Eastern and judging from the players they have we wont be for some time yet.
We also started off the year pretty poorly with only winning 1 in our first 6 league games which did leave us dead last for a little bit, but a lovely bit of league form towards the end made sure that we managed to overtake Lee Man and stick with our third place finish

3rd season I want to win a single cup that is my only aim!!!
So how did my 3rd season go?
let just say I managed to achieve my aim, and I won a cup!!!

However, I made it to each final of the 3 cups in Hong Kong and lost the other two (obviously) the power that kitchee and Eastern AA have it just too much for the rest of the league currently. I can say I am the 3rd best team in the league quite comfortably but it is all just going to come down to luck if I am ever going to win the league.
I did manage to come 2nd this season however and that does mean we get to go into the Asian Confederation Cup which can hopefully increase the clubs Rep

this seasons aim? Try and come second again to get more time in the ACC
SO Season 4 has ended so what did Irn Bru Rangers manage to do?

Kitchee and Eastern AA both had awful seasons and just didn't do what they noramlly did so we won the league!!!
we beat both of them in the cup finals a well which was amazing to just sit and watch!!

Because I won 4 cups with Irn Bru i became the 7th best manager the league has ever had!!
So it came with some sadness when I resigned at the end of the season. But it is time for Agent 47 to go to columbia, well he will do when a job offer comes in