FMC question

InValide jr

Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Is there any way of selecting if attriubtes are hidden or not? like on the fm12? i know the new version if you like with the more detail you can choose but i didnt see an option in FMC.
It's one of the Unlockables. I don't have FM open at the moment but you either have to pay a small amount of money for it or complete a certain accomplishment to unlock it for free.
Ahh oh bother okay, i've noticed you can play the big game mode fairly lazy to if you delegate enough to mr *** man, should have done that meeting the first time i started :)
Yeah I am a very lazy FM player myself. I will be playing the regular mode still (although I do like the look of FMC) and will be delegating a lot of my more mundane tasks.
Yeah I am a very lazy FM player myself. I will be playing the regular mode still (although I do like the look of FMC) and will be delegating a lot of my more mundane tasks.

Like a boss.

I'll be ******** on Debras desk.