
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all,

I'm new here, but not new to FM. My main focus in the past has been to randomly select lower league teams and see how far I can take them. Unfortunately my new job hours put a damper on time to play on the PC. I've purchased the new mobile version for my tablet and not the touch version. Has anyone here had any experience with the handheld platforms? If so I would love to hear some tips and insight.

I dont like cheating my way to the top so I can use all of the help I can get. Through my first save I'm in my 4th season and have cruised up to league one, but now I've hit a brick wall and my board seems to not share the same ambition and is not willing to increasing my funds.

I've tried with limited success to sign my greyed out reserves as potential future first teamers, and for what ever reason even my top players I've grown have little to no value. Not to mention that training is way too generalized and unless I'm missing something I can't train specific attributes.
