Food habits


Nov 27, 2009
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Just got in from work and thought i'd make a little snack before I go off to bed. This mornings meal is Pot Noodle with cheese. Strange I know

how many of you have wierd food likes and what are they?
Peanut butter and brown sugar sandwiches. Don't know how weird that is, but my mum used to make them for me all the time. All the kids at school thought I was nuts for liking 'em but they were good! :)
Cucumber with Ketchup, Sooo Nice (H)
Somtimes I tickle my *** with the leafs from a tomato plant, funny little food habit some may think.....

People look at me weird when I put salt and vinegar on curry but it really does make it twice as nice!
According to Becky Tuna sandwiches with Ketchup are weird, me and Kris beg to differ though. :wub:
Once i had corn flakes and chocolate spread sandwhiches, tasted really nice. I guess my only real food habit is cheesey chips. Bad for the heart i know..... :wub:
Penne pasta boiled for a few mins in water, then drained and cooked for 15 mins in milk and sugar.
Can be eaten hot or cold.
If you leave it overnight in the fridge, the pasta soaks up all the sugary milk and it turns into a nice dessert.

Weird but tasty.

I also love Banana and crunchy peanut butter sandwiches.
I dont think this is too strange, and yous probably would have tried it, but banana and sugar sandwiches. ooft.