Football Manager 2013 Video Blog #3: Network Games


Keyboard Warrior
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
New video here:


Looks like a good watch for people that enjoy Network games. Personally, I don't, but may well play more now.
Sweet. Haven't had a chance to play proper network game due to one reason or another, but this looks bang on. I look forward to much pwnage of my opponents :D
even if your team is from the FMRTE and someone with boston united?

I only ever play online now, I play with a mate and we play pretty much every day for a few hours. So I don't mind it. I just hope steam will be quicker, if not, the ability to fall back on P2P.
even if your team is from the FMRTE and someone with boston united?

I only ever play online now, I play with a mate and we play pretty much every day for a few hours. So I don't mind it. I just hope steam will be quicker, if not, the ability to fall back on P2P.

Yep. This basically sums up my feelings. I know 6 people who also play this game, so tournaments and netgames will be made. But don't know I will play this online a lot because with all the abilities to cheat it might not be as enjoyable.

This is by far the best announced I heard about this game!!!!
now this is decent!!i can't wait for it!!! I LOVE YOU MILES JACOBSON :D
How many in a game till gets slow and bad? Let's say I have a decent Internet as well
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Never played a network game before, I might need to start doing it. Thanks for uploading it here, Dunc. :D