Football Manager Fans


Feb 15, 2017
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Hi Guys,

I am writing a essay on why Football Manager fans keep returning to the game and how it has become a cult.

A 'glorified spreadsheet' they call it but I buy it every year and spend around 1000 hours on it until the latest edition comes out.

But why? It has poor licensing, poor graphics, sometimes you fiddle with tactics and the same things happen? it is sometimes unrealistic in terms of transfers?

So why on earth would we keep returning to this game.

If you could help me out that would be great!

I'd love to know when you began playing the game? Why? What attracts you to the game? and why you read Football Manager forums as well!

We keep returning to this game because there is no better alternative :p
I wrote an essay on FM for university last year, did very well surprisingly, I actually have some academic sources you could use if you were interested?
The glorified spreadsheet label might not be totally inaccurate, but its hard to see it as "nothing but number" when the 3-D graphics show a pretty good representation of the match, its not really true anymore either. Many other text-based sim games are far far less engaging in a visual sense.

Is the game perfect? Nope. Always some issues. But if that was a determining factor on playing or not I played a game, I would never play any game. Because every game has issues. Imperfections. Annoyances. Honestly, perfection is rare in any form of entertainment. Much like any relationship, its about finding something that provides the positive elements that are enough that you enjoy and has negative elements that you can accept.
I'd love to know when you began playing the game? Why? What attracts you to the game? and why you read Football Manager forums as well!


1 - Started playing the game in 1993, CM92, and at the time, as it is right now it was the better football sim, much because of the licensing, other games didn't had it!

2 - I have a degree in management, so all games with that type of gaming are great for me!

3 - To get tactics, player shortlists and after to get visual modifications of the game.
Yeah It's an addiction for sure, I started when I was about 7 years old with championship manager 97/98 my older cousins used to play it on the regular but I'd only ever play when I was there (I used to spend most weekends there). I not only fell In love with the game I'm pretty sure It helped my passion and addiction for football as a whole. I miss the background pics from 97/98 and the other early additions there probably is something I can download to do smthing
Just starting on here and the editing tool doesn't seem to be working which is why my previous post makes no sense,and typing Is really slow and unresponsive.
One word "addiction"
Every player you speak to will use that word at some point,
All of us have times where we get bored or fed up of the game, but a week or two later we are back playing.
Some people even manage a year!
Can't live without it. Whenever I read or watch anything to do with football all I want is to open up FM

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I'm interested to actually read them. Can pass them to me as well?

I'd also love to read them please

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You'll have to look them up yourselves - I'd suggest Google Scholar - because I can't send them here, but they are as follows:

"I Never Saw Him Play but We Were the Best of Friends for Years": A Case Study Exploring the Pseudosocial Relationships of Football Manager Bloggers
by Richard Medcalf and Gerald Griggs

More Than a Game: Sports-Themed Video Games and Player Narratives
by Garry Crawford and Victoria K. Gosling

The cult of Champ Man: the culture and pleasures of Championship Manager/Football Manager gamers
by Garry Crawford

Those articles also have reference lists in which I'm sure you could find more if you were interested
Reason I started playing FM is because in FM you can control so many teams in so many countries and divisions compared to for example FIFA.