
Jan 18, 2017
Reaction score
Mi scuso per questo post, sono un ragazzo italiano innamorato di un allenatore di calcio come te, seguo questo forum da tanti anni e siete tutti eccezionali.
Ma quest'anno, dopo molti anni passati a giocare le sue tattiche, mi mancano moltissimo le tattiche di TFF.
Ha fatto un lavoro eccezionale perché oltre alle sue tattiche migliori, includeva tutti i tipi di istruzioni, inclusi i filtri dei giocatori che erano molto utili.
Ti chiedo se puoi dirmi alcune tattiche complete come quelle di tff
e scusa per questo post
I apologize for this post, I'm an Italian guy in love with football manager like you, I've been following this forum for many years and you are all exceptional.
But this year after many years of playing his tactics, I miss TFF's tactics tremendously.
He did an exceptional job because in addition to his top tactics, he included all kinds of instructions including player filters which were very useful.
I ask you if you can tell me some top complete tactics like those of tff
and sorry for this post
I apologize for this post, I'm an Italian guy in love with football manager like you, I've been following this forum for many years and you are all exceptional.
But this year after many years of playing his tactics, I miss TFF's tactics tremendously.
He did an exceptional job because in addition to his top tactics, he included all kinds of instructions including player filters which were very useful.
I ask you if you can tell me some top complete tactics like those of tff
and sorry for this post

His tactics were fake news. He got caught giving them fake positive reviews like a rat.
His tactics were fake news. He got caught giving them fake positive reviews like a rat.
Were they fake yeah? I haven’t played FM for 2 years this my first year back, and TFF used to have all the tactics back then. Was he caught out as a fraud?
how do you create player filters correctly? what parameters do you need to enter to filter the right players for the tactic you are using?