This week was the worst of I have had so far. Got sacked from work at my local furniture warehouse and had my under 17's youth team took off me as i am not a suitable role model to my players. I would have thought that my 3 consecutive league titles would have kept the club happy but apparently not. So out of work and out of money i noticed the sacking of current Gateshead F.C manager Ian Bogie and decided to try my look with an application to show my worth at the club in the managers role.
I woke up the next morning with my phone buzzing away merrily. I never thought that Gateshead would get back this quick never mind to me but as i picked up the phone the only words i remember hearing in the excitment are 'You have the job, see you tomorrow'.
I was over the moon with the news and took to my new role as manager straight away recruiting new and exciting players and trying out new tactics on the training ground but with a media prediction of 21st the season had no other outlook except dim. I knew i would be up against it with a mid table prediction to my board but with a few wise signings and a tactic that works wonders, anything is possible.
I woke up the next morning with my phone buzzing away merrily. I never thought that Gateshead would get back this quick never mind to me but as i picked up the phone the only words i remember hearing in the excitment are 'You have the job, see you tomorrow'.
I was over the moon with the news and took to my new role as manager straight away recruiting new and exciting players and trying out new tactics on the training ground but with a media prediction of 21st the season had no other outlook except dim. I knew i would be up against it with a mid table prediction to my board but with a few wise signings and a tactic that works wonders, anything is possible.