Funniest thing you will ever read

what a ******* muppet.

who stakes £4400 to win £44 back?!?!?!?!

i bet he went absolutely mental with rage when it ended 4-4
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Oh. My. God. That guy is a ******, apparantly he worked it out wrong and thought he would get 440 quid instead of a pathetic 44. I would kill myself if I was him, no joke.
my mate works in a bookies, says theres always a guy who comes in to bet on live matches like this.

if theres ever a game similar to that one, ie a team 3 or 4 nil up with 15 minutes to go, this guy will back them to win with a stake of 5 grand, usually wins a tidy little sum and strolls out. my mate says he absolutely loves it whe this guys plans go **** up and the losing side stage a comebcak!!!! its happened 6 times and this guy always looks so gutted, but he makes that loss back within a few weeks.

i reckon hes a prime candidate for rehab due to gambling addiction
That can't be legit.

Absolutely ridiculous if it is.
Poor guy if it's true.
The comments below that guy's post are a little harsh..... oh what the ****

******! :P
hahaha thats so funny! I have no sympathy for the guy at all!!

tha is quite funny, who would risk that much for £44!
Outstanding achievment on being the loser of the year already. XD