Gaining weight

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Mar 3, 2009
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well i saw a thread about a man who lost weight im the complete opposite i need to gain im 14 about 6 ft 2 or 3 tall

weigh about 10 pounds if thats correct unit lol

and i want to gain weight reason being i have lots of friends who wieght about the same as me
but look more meaty than me on the body but because im tall i think that the reason why i look skinny

except my arms the quite alright it seems all the fat goes there lol

any advice on how to gain weight
dont gain weight

gain muscle

im 15 and im about 6.1

and weight a9 and a half stone
yh its mainly muscle but it still dnt make me look big jus tall and skiny muscle
Eat a lot of food and don't bother exercising.
well i saw a thread about a man who lost weight im the complete opposite i need to gain im 14 about 6 ft 2 or 3 tall

weigh about 10 pounds if thats correct unit lol

and i want to gain weight reason being i have lots of friends who wieght about the same as me
but look more meaty than me on the body but because im tall i think that the reason why i look skinny

except my arms the quite alright it seems all the fat goes there lol

any advice on how to gain weight

If you do weigh 10 pounds I'd defo think about putting some weight on.:P
I'm 14, weigh 9st 2lbs and I'm 5'11
I'd say that's roughly about right, so 10 stone for someone who's 6'2 sounds fine to me...
That was no man in the other post let me tell you. That was The Hig.

I think you mean 10 stone.

Like Keith said gain muscle but your only 14 your body will fill out.

At 14 I was only about 5'7 and weighed hardly anything. By 18 I was 6'3 and weighed 16 stone. So dont worry just dont risk your health by gaining the wrong kind of weight.
im 15 and i weigh 10st 1 pound, do i care if people say anything to me i really dont, sorry if thats a tad off topic but i like to enjoy what i eat, in my opinion dieting is kind of limiting your life, im not saying i want to turn into one of those americans but im happy with my weight
At 21 years old, 5' 11" and 14 and a half stone, I'm a right cracker.
Gaining weight,my speciality. Eat Take Away's, sweets (especially Chocolate) Chips,bacon butty's, Drink loads of Lager and beer,and basically do sod all,laziness is key.
I'm 15, 5ft8ish and 8 and a half stone. Not good if you want to play as keeper. I've grown a foot in under 4 years and seemingly can't stop. I'm concerned by my lack of weight but I can't solve it. I'm just after having 7 jumbo prawns of some sort, 2 cornish pasties and a bottle of boost. I haven't done any real exercise apart form P.E in school for about 2 years and my fitness is at an al time low. Any tips guys?
That involves a lengthy drive to town and a bit of money which I'm lacking at the moment so that isn't a choice :(