Game Speed,Match Length, Your Preferences ?

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Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
hey guys, just curious on how you view your matches and what speed, also how long does it take you to do a single season !

for example ill start, i prefer only commentary, full speed, and can do a season in about 3-4 hours if i am fully concentrating

i think i am going to start using extended so i can get more into the game and be better with tactics, what do you guys recommend thanks !
I recommend Dunc's Mom for some ********, she's the greatest :)

Off topic much? Noob idea to think its still cool to have a laugh at Duncs expense. Your going to end up with a sore *** for mentioning his mam ;)

I play 3/4 speed, only show replays of goals and dont leave anything to assistant so it takes me about 5-6 hours for a season. Have done a season in 2 hours before. That was at fastest speed and no replays with only a few leagues loaded
do you just guess how your tactics are getting on haha ?

Nope, I can read the text at 3/4 speed and always have the stats screen up and player form. Find it more accurate to see how im doing. If my stats are poor compared to my opponent i will alter my mentality and/or formation. It seems to work as I have created several sucessful tactics and uploaded 2 on this forum. I find it the most accurate way to watch. And i see the goals so I can see what my defence did wrong when the opposition scores :)
First few matches on key, maybe even the whole match, then just go with only commentary and no replays.
Usually about 4/5ths game speed with key moments on + goal replays at a about 2/3rds speed.
For games I expect to win easily or early cup games i'll switch to just commentary.
Two notches off full speed, replays of goal action, usually only put it on key unless I'm perfecting a tactic.

Off topic much? Noob idea to think its still cool to have a laugh at Duncs expense.

I think we all know it's definitely cool to have a laugh at Dunc's expense. Problem is, that wasn't a laugh. That wasn't even a failed joke. That wasn't even a failed attempt at a joke. That was the dying embryo of some semblance of a pathetic flail towards the general direction of humour getting sledgehammered into the dirt by the giant God of Pity.
I play one notch above normal speed with key stuff only. I don't really like rushing through a season though. I actually enjoy watching the games and also keep track of other teams and leagues and the development of players. I guess I need about 40 hours of playtime per season.
I have it full speed for the game, replays on normal speed of goals and goal chances.
Extended Mode View, Average Game Speed (so as to seem more realistic), Replays of Goals in slow-mo