GK's and Eccentricity


Mar 23, 2009
Reaction score
Call me a little daft, naive, or even downright stupid if you wish, but....
How exactly does a GK's Eccentricity work? is it good to have a high rating, or lower one?
Does it mean they will charge out of the box like a bull to a red flag (with a high rating) and do simular things associated with keepers like David James? Or is it simply a case of organizing their defence in front of them and screaming in the form that Schmeichel once did for that Sunday league team? (j/k Devils fans!)
Any help will be much appreciated, more out of curiosity's sake than anything else... :D
A lot of young goalies have a high rating in this. It's better to have a low ranking I think because it means they do less stupid things, I would imagine that the more experiance a goalkeeper got the lower his eccentricity becomes..
A lot of young goalies have a high rating in this. It's better to have a low ranking I think because it means they do less stupid things, I would imagine that the more experiance a goalkeeper got the lower his eccentricity becomes..

Thanks fella, kinda along the same lines i was thinking, thats confirmed it.
High eccentricity means more likelihood for the goalie to go out of the area, to try score goals and trying to stop balls that are clearly not going in just to try to shine.

Somewhere, I think in TTF, it's said that it's good to have eccentricity for sweeper keepers.
Eccentricity is basically funny stuff. Like when a goalie starts jumping up and down and wave his arms to try and put a striker off at a penalty kick for example. So therefor a goalie with no eccentricity dont do any of those funny stuff. It is much better if a goalie have no or little eccentricity. Charging out like a red bull as papabear1uk stated, is his rushing out stat. Organizing the defence and shouting at the defenders is his command of area stat.
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