Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
I need suggestions on a goalkeeper for alfreton town (1st season) that is better than my current one, and a realistic target for me please.
Some good ones i have found...

LLoyd Ransome, Ben Garratt (Loan from Crewe!), Jan Sebek...
jesus unzue, only 16, should be Free agent. is BSP class at 16 and by the time he is 24 he is prem standard
Phil Imray was my BSS keeper at Dartford, and he was top drawer. You may be able to sign Christophe Mey if you have the French leagues loaded, who's a top keeper up to LG2, or failing that, you could try and loan Martin Hansen from Liverpool. He'll eventually become a top Championship keeper.
Not sure if he's in your game but Rein Baart has 18 reflex and 12 (or so) positioning and would be godly if you can get him
My star of the BSS was Lewis Ward. Significantly better than my old keeper, and he only costs me £40/week. 45 apps, 39 conc, 17 clean sheets. We got hammered 6-0 a few times too so he is pretty solid.

He holds his own in the BSP but I'm looking at upgrading for the new season. But if finances are a problem, he is basically free.