Grand Theft Auto San Andreas - Multi Player


Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys, I am new around here, but I am a big fan of both FM series and GTA series. I actually like to play on Role Play servers, so I am wondering if anyone here is playing on any RP server. If yes, let's all go to a server and play as FM-Base GTA Players, lol.
Or if you intend to, let's play somewhere.
Let the fun begin. :p
People roleplay in GTA?
san andreas? wow thats almost retro.

my only achievement in multiplayer was shooting my mate in the head with a sniper rifle from a rooftop whilst he was riding a motorcycle at top speed. pretty epic.

at least think that was san andreas, theyve all blurred into one in my mind....?
Only thing i can remember doing on san andreas was driving a doo doo(small plane) straight into a big building leaving my mate crashing into it whilst me jumping out:).

I would play gta4 online if i had enough friends who would play it with me.
i would love gta online, such a different experience to modern warfare, which is the only thing my mates will play at the moment