Grimsby Town - Player suggestions?


Mar 9, 2015
Reaction score
Hey, I've grown up a fan of my local team Grimsby Town and every year do my best to take them into the premier league with my true love Arsenal. They're in the Vanarama Conference and its extremely hard to find a half decent player who will go on loan there let alone join fully, ive found a couple good players first year on loan and James Mckeown, Shaun Pearson and Lenell John-Lewis are the only decent players i have! John-Lewis on 30 goals with 18 games to go and im top, i think i will get promoted so i need some help with who i should buy, ive played fm since 07 and know alot of players, but i spend too much....wages and transfer, so i need help with cheap, reliable players. much thanks - Rhys :)
Hey, I've grown up a fan of my local team Grimsby Town and every year do my best to take them into the premier league with my true love Arsenal. They're in the Vanarama Conference and its extremely hard to find a half decent player who will go on loan there let alone join fully, ive found a couple good players first year on loan and James Mckeown, Shaun Pearson and Lenell John-Lewis are the only decent players i have! John-Lewis on 30 goals with 18 games to go and im top, i think i will get promoted so i need some help with who i should buy, ive played fm since 07 and know alot of players, but i spend too much....wages and transfer, so i need help with cheap, reliable players. much thanks - Rhys :)

Based on my experience with my home town team of Lincoln, I picked up Liam Darville on a free, an LLM favourite of mine. I also got Antonio German on loan who was nothing short of superb, and actually convinced me to sign him to partner Tomlinson. Another worthwhile loan was Kyle Walker-Peters at Spurs, who I got as a back up and ended up being my first choice.

Other personal favourites I signed in League 2, in season 2, were Blair Turgott, Matt Pennington and Graham Burke. Burke finished with 104 in 167 for me, I highly recommend him at any cost.

Worth mentioning I am on the original database, started this file back in the beta and still going strong with it. Some things may have changed with the update, but most of my recommendations should still help.

Edit: If you want regens, definitely check the welsh clubs. I picked up this keeper from TNS for 4k, you may get lucky with your save.

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