

Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score

sorry but my 360 just just rrod' for the second time in a year i mean **** offffff.

I don't even think i can take it back for repairs this time. I cant afford a new one untill i come back from the Dominican in July either.

Any idea's anyone?

sorry but my 360 just just rrod' for the second time in a year i mean **** offffff.

I don't even think i can take it back for repairs this time. I cant afford a new one untill i come back from the Dominican in July either.

Any idea's anyone?

How about a ps3 :)
Kris once you send it away first time they give you an automatic 1 year warranty for the RRoD problem, so you should be able to get it repaired again.
Really? Will need to look into it then, see if i can get it sent away again
Yeh I know that when I got mine back it had a new warranty on it. Sucks tho man. Unlucky.
Plus if its a got 3 lights that are red, that's covered for 3 years. Register your Xbox console here and request a repair online.
They will send you an email with the slips to send it too, then you call UPS to arrange a pick up.
Bad news you may be 3 weeks without a console
Yea thats what i did last time. Will see if i can be bothered doing that again or if i should just get a new one when i can afford it
awesome, willing to spend 130 pound out of laziness of not wanting to go through the repair process again lol. Sounds like something I'd do actaully.
When the time does come when you can afford a new, the elite might be a good option, saying that though you don't need all the extra's you will all ready have them.
Just think the elite looks really cool.
It does suck but I've heard worse stories. Microsoft ended up giving this guy an Elite, 1 years xbox live, wireless mic, wireless network adapter and 4 games of his choice because he had his console break seven times in one year.

Oh if you haven't already heard, Microsoft are refunding anyone who has had the E74 error and is now covered for 3 years like the RROD. Will be claiming my £50 back soon enough, didn't you have it also Sean?

"Microsoft will refund to customers the amount paid for an out of warranty repair due to a general hardware failure associated with the e74 error message. Those customers should automatically receive the refund within 4-12 weeks, and no additional action by customers should be necessary.

If you don't receive a refund by July 1st you must visit before November to find out more information on how to place a claim. Make sure you receive your refund before November 1st, otherwise you just won't get one.

At this moment the announcement only covers Xbox 360's in the US, but we expect the warranty and refund to be rolled out around the world and to the UK specifically.$1287835.htm

Typical of M$ to make Europe wait for their refunds. :(
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watch out in gamestation they try to sell you a warranty for it, that Xbox provide for anyway.
I just dont know if i can be bothered with the **** of sending it away i mean it's coming on 4 years old now and what if it just happens in another 4 months?

Typical for this to happen when i finally start playing the ******. Sending an email to complain first so maybe they will buy me a new one *rolls eyes*
Might as well send it off if it's not going to cost you anything.