Half-Volleys and Two-Footed Tackles - A Luton Town Story.


Jan 16, 2012
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Chapter 1 - Half Volleys and Two-Footed Tackles

September 1996, and a naive, bright eyed 18 year old walked onto the Kenilworth Road pitch, 8 minutes and 52 seconds later, and he's being stretchered off it. He'd just taken a shot, a half volley that hit the crossbar, when he'd found himself writhing in agony. A defender had dived in with two feet, straight into his knee. 4 hours later, the naive 18 year old was told it was extremely unlikely for him to walk again, let alone play professional football.

If you hadn't guessed, I was the naive, 18 year old that was wheelchair bound. However, after half a year of learning to walk, and another year of learning how to play football again, I was walking onto a football pitch again, this time for St. Albans. A few years later, my semi professional career came to a halt, due to another knee injury, and another two footed tackle.

It took me two years too walk again this time, to a standard I was happy with anyway, but as I was unable to walk more than a 100 yards without a cane, playing football at any level was out. I spent the next half a year or so moping, until my mum got fed up of it, and paid for me to receive my coaching badges. Got my badges within a year, and a job at St Albans a few months after, was a coach for a few years, then became assistant manager until my contract ran out in 2011. I was job hunting when Gary Brabin left Luton, citing medical reasons, and decided that applying for the job wouldn't hurt.

A few days later, Gary Sweet called me, and asked me to come down to Kenilworth Road, for an interview. The rest of the board was there as well, and I spent the next hour and a half answering questions. In my opinion, it went well, but I still didn't expect the job, I mean, who in the right mind would sign a previously untested manager, when they're expecting promotion? Gary Sweet and Nick Owen, that's who, I got a call the next day, from Nick, saying I'd got the job, and was told to start the next day, Tuesday 5th of July, 2011.

And my story is started, hoping to update every other day or so, pre-season update should be up either tonight or tomorrow. Constructive criticism is incredibly welcome.
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I'm surprised there have been no comments so far! Please continue this story, sounds really interesting. :)