Hated it yesterday, love it today


Dec 30, 2014
Reaction score
Hey folks

Yea, im one of those guys whose been reading this forum for many years, mainly stealing tactics lol. Today I just thought I'd drop in and add my 2 cents on FM15.

I've only been playing '15 a couple of days (Xmas gift from the missus of course) and I have to say I'm really impressed.

I sadly missed out on FM14 for 2 reasons - 1 Too busy with life in general and 2 because I never quite cracked FM13. I'll go on to say that FM13 broke my heart- I suffered the same issues that so many suffered- the AI had shut the lazy manager out. This totally p!ssed me off cos yea, I like the ol' pick Man City/Chelsea/Utd, buy the best, win the game. It became so much more than that in FM13 and I wasnt ready for it. (I also dont think SI were to be honest).

I was apprehensive of playing FM with the new slippers and ham sandwiches over a toasty fire, because I was worried they'd made the game 'too hard'.

Lo and behold, I started up a game as Southampton manager (with my usual in-mind fantasy that Koeman could not continue the role due to illness and I was his assistant/confidant). I genuinely went in with the intent to put a full effort in to this years game. I knew about the AI changes over the past few years but felt I was ready for the challenge. I was not.

I started pre season with a bang, winning every game with 3 nice variable tactics set up, suited to the squad strength, brought in some decent players, and felt I had this game susses. I did not.

P12 W0 D2 L10

I couldnt belive it.

I was furious.

I felt like burning my house down with FM2015 disc on the sofa.

I resigned as Southampton manager and took the reigns as Donny manager, thinking maybe my chosen experience level had a lot to do with it.

P8 W1 D1 L6

I could beleive it.

I was more furious.

I set the kitchen on fire(I didnt)

I literally felt like giving up, because I put a genuine effort in but I felt it wasnt working.

But what I failed to realise is that you really really REALLY have to put an effort in. And you know what? Its much much more rewarding.

Making that little tweak that gets you a last minute equaliser, outplaying the big team, shutting out a team for a tight 1-0, it feels so much more rewarding.

I guess you have to move with the times, and I must admit, the game has certainly improved.

I've started a new game with Bolton and Ive had a much more successful time. Im not saying I've won every game this season, far from it- Im 9th in the league, but getting results is far more rewarding- Youre not just winning a game because you've a better team, youre winning because youve set out your team to do so, you've made those shouts at the right time, youve researched the oppositions weakness and got that all important point (or 3!).

Im very happy with the way the game has progressed. Although I get what AI were trying to do in FM13 (but failed IMO) they've worked hard on it, and FM15 is a treat to play. Credit where its due to those gentlefolk.

That is all.

Unless you want to add something, rant, or discuss tactics, in which case shout me a holler.
One game I'll be yelling about how this is the worst FM ever, how I hate it so much and I wish I would've never bought it
And in the next game, I'll be hooting about some of the intricate team play that my players pull off.
Honestly, I do love the game, I feel like it's a definite improvement over 14.
Even though I always feel this undercurrent of anger because my players never stop whining.
If you want, I could add you on Steam. Just shoot me your Steam ID.
Well put good sir, thats why i love this game!

One minute it excites you, the next it enrages you. One minute it makes you feel like a genius the next your a moron. It has single handedly both made & ruined entire days for me lol ;)
Ahah! Yea im not gonna lie, I can have the ol sing when yer winning attitude, but if you really knuckle down, you can get the results you want! Cant always expect to win, and when I do get beat, I've accepted that you cant just hold the tactics responsible, sometimes youre just up against a better team! My biggest problem has been trying to beat teams who sit deep, and I've been working hard on that, so my over all results have been quite good! Bolton are up to 7th as we speak :)
Lippo I totally agree mate! Im just learning that you cant win every single game, and you cant just scrap a tactic cos you've lost, nor can you just keep using a tactic cos youve won!! Takes a lot of discipline/determination, but if you put the effort in, you reap the rewards!
When you say out the effort in etc and find out how to beat teams etc what do you actually do?
When you say out the effort in etc and find out how to beat teams etc what do you actually do?

How long is a piece of string...

Everyone has a different process. A reactive manager will approach a game differently to a proactive manager.
Do you look at the form tables or do you watch previous game; or do you just click continue and see what happens? There are honestly millions of different approaches and tweak, things you can do so listing them would cause more confusion.

Putting in the effort is figuring out what to do.
What would you say is the most effective though? Thanks btw
Suppose it depends on what approach you want to take.

Personally i am what brendn (& myself for that matter) would call a reactive manager. By that i just mean i don't make a lot of assumptions before the game. Yes i check scouting reports for weaknesses, preferred/disliked formations etc. but generally i play what i see on the day. (christ i hate being so serious about this lol)

The most "effective" way to do things imo is to experiment & find out what works for you. FM is not a game you can master in a weekend. I've been playing for years now & am still learning almost everyday. I'm sure there will be plenty of people willing to give you advice but at the end of the day its generally only ever opinion based on that particular players experience. (that includes what i have said, of course)

Whatever you do just remember there is no foolproof way to do things, thats what makes the game so great!