
Aug 19, 2014
Reaction score
So basically ever since FM14 i have decided to become a huge Guiseley Skrill North fan... however after checking out Head of Youth Development - Football Manager Staff Role and Responsibilities | Passion for Football Manager and understanding the job a bit more in FM15 they have a full main squad but only 7 players on U21 and 1 on U18. I know normally people sign players in the lower leagues and such but in FM14 there was a thing in stream called the Hero challenage where u take the lower league team to the top.

My plain is to build through youth as my plain for my squads are U18 (15-17), Reserves (18-21) and then soon as they turn 21 i will decide if they are worth bringing up to my main squad or letting them go.

I plan on having small Reserve/U21 and U18 squads of 2 GK, 6 D 5 M and 3 strikers and some extras in case of injury.

anyways back to my main question, with the lower leagues it's hard to bring in staff to our club.. so i plan on hiring 2 scouts a chief scout and a regular scout to just scout 15-16 yr olds no older bc then that way if i scout a 17 yr old he might only have a few months left before i have to bring him up to our U21 but with how little our U21 is i might use my extra main squad players who need fitness for the U21.

So with the 2 scouts and my HOYD my question is what do people suggest me looking for when it comes to a Youth Development coach.. I know working with Youngsters and judging potenial and Ability are 3 key atts to keep in mind for a HOYD

when i went to go search for HOYD i got 2 people my current one

Attacking - 1
Defense - 4
Fit - 1
Goal 1
Man Management - 2
mental - 4
tactical - 2
tech - 3
working with young 7
adaptability - 10
determination - 15
JPA - 5
JPP - 5
discipline - 6
motivating - 8
physio - 1
tactical - 2


Darren Barnard

Attacking - 6
Defense - 6
Fit - 3
Goal 1
Man Management - 9
mental - 6
tactical - 4
tech - 6
working with young 9
adaptability - 15
determination - 10
JPA - 8
JPP - 8
discipline - 9
motivating - 10
physio - 2
tactical - 7

or do i go coach and try to make him a HOYD

Barrie Keeling

Attacking - 7
Defense - 6
Fit - 2
Goal 1
Man Management - 7
mental - 7
tactical - 6
tech - 6
working with young 10
adaptability - 10
determination - 12
JPA - 11
JPP - 11
discipline - 14
motivating - 8
physio - 3
tactical - 7

so with how weak that HOYD is compared to my current one should i just go with that HOYD not the coach and until S2 and see if i get promoted and get better staff in S2?
here is the UFA HOYD

here is my current HOYD

when i search for HOYD with my 12 countries in setup, belgium, england, france, germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, N. Ireland, portugal, scotland, spain, wales, usa this is what i get

As far as my tactic/formation goes this is the one i will be using..

4-5-3-1 - Hellstroms
Given how poor the facilities you'll have will be, he actual stats of the HOYD will not be that important.
There are three areas HOYD usually focus on: pick one and get the best possible HOYD in that areas that you cna.

Youth Promotion: Bringing players into the club, he find/creates local regens.
Youth Development/Training: Acts as your chief youth coach.
Youth Management: Essentially covers all the duties of a DOF but for the first team.

If you focus on Youth Promotion:

  1. Make sure they have a good personality: Determined or professional is ideal.
  2. His scouting knowledge will show the poor of players he's more than likely to draw from. Better scouting knowledge in nations with high youth scored (Germany, Brazil, Mexico) will give you a better chance of pulling in quality regens from these areas.
  3. His tactical preferences: Look at how he likes to coach; if he's attacking, he'll more than likely bring in attacking minded regens; and so on for defensive, ect.

If you focus on Development/Training: He effectively acts as a coach so get the stats you'd look for in a youth coach. ie, working with youngsters, coaching attributes, Judging CA/PA, level of discipline, ect.

I you focus on Youth Management: He'll do everything your assistant manager and DOF would do but for the Youth team. Look for good Man Management, determination, adaptability; the Mental stats really.