Help fine-tuning a 4-2-3-1


Jul 30, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all. Would like to request some help fine-tuning a tactic.

So I'm trying to get Manchester United playing a certain way, somewhat similar to real life. In essence, couple of things I'm looking at:
1. Goals spread out across the frontline with my AMR, ST & AML contributing ~ 20 goals a season each.
2. Bruno being the key focal point of attack, either directly assisting or carving open the defences with key passes.
3. Intense pressure to win the ball back when we lose it and fast breaks when we do.

Currently, it seems like Bruno isn't dictating play much and Sancho & Rashford are not getting many goals. Would appreciate any advice to improve this. Thanks in advance!

The tactic:



with striker amc and ifw they can get crowded, 4 players crammed into the box, so i put my infwd play wide cut inside, and on support but with get forward often.
short and very fast passing is very hard to accomplish or else everyone would do it, try slowing it down or if you want fast go more direct, or just go normal down the middle.
for pressing, you have everything correct. high defensive, get stuck in, high engagement, but also remember your players individual instructions. Make sure your attacking players have pressing and tackling at highest, remembering the whole team needs to press, but forwards hardly ever get sent off for tackling, cms do but its worth the risk, and fbs give away lots of penalties.
the only amc i have had any success with is a ss. these especially work with 1 forward. if i ever did consider playing with an advanced playmaker, and also in a team that already has a dlp, it would only be in a very slow patient passing tactic, with work ball into box.
you have a good base for an attacking tactic that will play good attractive football with a big team like utd.
When you have a defend duty in midfield, AI will go more attacking against you and will try (always) to exploit you there.
With regards to Bruno's lack of involvement ;

You have 2 playmakers in midfield - playmakers act as magnets for the ball, so Bruno & Matic will share this responsibility. You could try a few things here;

A)Change Matic to Def Mid (D) - this will free up Bruno as your sole playmaker, and should get him more involved.
B)Change Matic to Def Mid (S) with PI of 'Hold Position'

Option B relates to Cadoni's comment above - 2 support duties as opposed to Def/Sup.