Help me understand ...Transfer choice


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
Help needed transfer choices

Hi guys,
Would be great if you could help me out.
In my 4th season with Stoke using Paragorn tactics. 4321.
Due to his unhappiness at Chelsea i can buy Eden Hazard. 1st jamuari) I have 60 milj budget. But i need about 100 mil which i can obtain because of 48 months installments. Si its possible but very expensive.
At the moment i have Pavon at Aml. He is playing well like the other players of my team. (7.5 -8.0 average) Still i cant make the real step to become premier league winners. Last season 2nd place and currently also second. But quite a gap until firstvplace.
i got 2 good aml. But not super level like Hazard.*

So in the end the question is more like this:
My current aml players are playing well (high average ratimg) and probably Hazard will get abt same ratings. But will he still add more to my game (so i will close gap wirlth 1st place )?? Simply because he is a world star.? Or is a Pavon with average rating 8.0 the same as Hazard average rating 8?

Who can advise me? Is a player with 170+ ability better than a 160+ player even if they score same rating in a match? Or is that difference not worthwile in terms of huge transfer fee?Ch

Hey man,

(My short answer is no, it's not worth it. Read on for my reasoning.)

This is a really good question and one I've been weighing up myself recently. I'm currently starting my fourth season with Fleetwood Town. After a couple of quick promotions I'm trying to strengthen my squad as much as possible while still keeping the core of players that have performed so well to get me there. Based on the stats there are not many areas that I need to add to, but there is a lot of room for improvement in ability.

My main approach to transfers is based on real life analysis. In a complex system like a football team the weakest link is often more important than the strongest link. So you see better improvements if you replace your weakest player with an average/good player, than if you add one excellent player. I normally look at my best XI and look at the one or two positions that are weakest and aim to buy a player that would upgrade them.

Although I'm not an expert in FM this seems to have worked for me so far. I can think of one example in particular where a much "better" player performed worse overall than the player he was replacing. My keeper (Maxwell) got a long term injury so I decided it would be a good excuse to buy a better keeper. I went for an obscure Finnish keeper (Joronen) who had better attributes pretty much across the board. He did okay but he was making some silly mistakes and wasn't really dependable. Once Maxwell was fit again he played his was back into the team and I ended up having to sell Joronen again (for a healthy profit).

Maybe this is not the best example but I've found it with other players too.

So to me it sounds like you are trying to improve your team by adding one superstar. I wouldn't recommend this. Overall ability is not everything, the players you already have will be familiar with your tactics and style of play and hopefully contribute to good dressing room morale. If you are going to be paying over the odds for only a slight improvement think about what else you could spend the money on.

For another real world illustration look at Real Madrid's Galacticos model. Sure they have a few superstars but it's not as effective as you'd expect.

Hope this helps!
Are you playing with inside forward on the left? Are you current winger providing goals as well as assists? How consistent are they?

Di you play wide or narrow? What's your formation? How does your striker play? Finisher or provider?

You also need to take into account your left back, are they good enough to handle being isolated against wingers? Do you have a DM that's able to drift over to where hazard should be when defending?

Signing hazard would be a great bit of business, I got him for £45m In 3rd season.

providing he fits within your system. He won't be as good in a system that plays long ball to a target man. Nor would he do too well in a system thats set up for wingers to cross the ball alot. You also need to consider if you can improve in other areas of your team. £100m is a lot of Money and you could easily buy 4 or 5 world class players for that amount of money. And another thing to take into account is the £40m in installments will be taken from future transfer budgets