Help on the set up in competion editor please

  • Thread starter Thread starter webb83
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Aug 28, 2011
Reaction score
Hi there fellow FM lovers, im currently making a new competition (UNDER21 EURO LEAGUE like Champs League) through my editor on FM10/11 and theres somethings i dont understand or know the meaning of. im new to this site and the editing so would be very grateful for your help, thanks everyone.

Ive picked the teams i want in my league and the secondary league but whats the REGISTERED TEAMS??

Also what is the IS EXTINCT option??



Any other advice or help would be appreciated. :D
make sure the "is extinct" box is unticked if it is ticked it means it no longer exists

sorry i do not do much witht he editor so i cannot help owth the other two.
Iv done a bit of Editing and created new leagues but not for some time so I may not be 100% sure.

Registered teams: Add all the teams you entered in the league structure here again to make sure they will compete in it
Is Extinct: Dont click this option as this will not make the new comp playable and will cease to run.
Competition level: This is a number between 1-20. 1 being the lowest level and 20 being highest. Id suggest somewhere in the region of 15 just to keep it competitive. It is basicaly putting a value of importance on the competition

Sorry im not of much more help than that.
Compatition Level is 1-20 with 1 being the highest