HELP!! Players swapping positions themselves??


Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Really need help from someone. I pick my team for a match for instance sandro as anchor man and van persie as advanced forward. Then about 20 minutes or so into the game they swap positions and sandro is up front! I try to change it on the tactics but doesn't do it until I keep swapping about three times.

Any idea why this is happening? I'm using a custom made tactic off the site so possibly could be that but I have used them before and never had this issue!
I have no idea but a suggestion might be that your assistant manager is controlling it, other than that i don't know.
Really need help from someone. I pick my team for a match for instance sandro as anchor man and van persie as advanced forward. Then about 20 minutes or so into the game they swap positions and sandro is up front! I try to change it on the tactics but doesn't do it until I keep swapping about three times.

Any idea why this is happening? I'm using a custom made tactic off the site so possibly could be that but I have used them before and never had this issue!

Have a look in their settings. Are they set to swap position there ?
Check the player instructions for the players that are swapping positions, check if they are set to swap positions if yes, untick it if not then I have no idea.
Thanks guys for the quick replies. The issue was the player instructions, for some strange reason the anchor man was set to switch with the striker. No idea how that happened!

Thanks alot
I have encountered this bug before in the player instructions:

If you tick a box to later untick it, the settings themselves will not change. To change them to default i have to tick the box, change to something else, untick and the default setting should read in greydout.

I noticed first when man marking specific players and later changing the setting but it applies to other settings as well in player instructions.