Help to making own tactic (Real Madrid style)

Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hello there.

As the title says i am gonna try make my own tactics which is based on how Real Madrid plays in real life. But i do need some help, because i just cant decide what role and position the players are gonna sit in, of course its gonna be 4-2-3-1, but should the 2 midfielders be defensive midfielders or should i move them to midfielders with a defend duty etc. Some of the positions is quite clear such as Ronaldo's position and role on the pitch (AML-IF) and Özil's (AMC-AP), but then there is Benzema's role which i cannot really decide, neither about the two central defenders.

So a list of things i need help about:

1. Roles/Positions/Duties
2. Strategy/Philosophy
3. How to make stable high pressing defense
4. How to make the team use as few passes as possible in fastest amount of time to get a shot off after winning the ball.
5. Any help regarding setting up a good tactic

Thanks in advance