Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
I impressed Chilie playing style . I want to recreate Sampaoli tactic formations 3-4-1-2 and 4-1-2-1-2
Suggestions and help What about team instructions and player roles?
Sorry for my bad English
Welllll you'd certainly use high tempo, hassle opponents and get stuck in
My first versipn 4-1-2-1-2
Sweeper Keeper(D)
Central defenders(D)
Advanced Playmaker(S)
Shorter passing
Pass into space
Play out of defence
Drill crosses
Run at defenders
Looks for overlap
Higher defensive line
Play wider
Roam from positions
Hassle opponents
Get stuck in
Use tigher marking
Higher tempo
be more expensive
Very Fluid
Any suggestions?
From what I've seen of Chile they more play an anchor man in the DMC position which creates 3 at the back when the team attack. It seems fairly good as a starting point to me; the Cm should overlap the AP he pulls back to roam the midfield searching for space. This will make it trickier in the transition from defence to attack/attack to defence, as the players will be overlapping each other more often, but it will make the midfield harder to mark. I'm unsure of the success of striker roles in this addition and choose to favour the f9 as an over all striker but this is an area you can play around with. I personally think Chile play more with IF's but real life tactics are very hard to emulate in this edition with it being so restrictive, and so its open to interpretation in how to apply it to the game. You have a lot of settings that mean players will ignore your instructions, in essence - Very Fluid, roam from positions, be more expressive - and so it will be hard to tell what effect your actual tactics is're relying a lot more on the creativity of the players you have