
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
So basically i am in the 4th season of management and i have guided AFC Wimbledon to the championship, i am majorly struggling! I am in 22nd place having played 18 games and i am 6 points from safety, what should i do? The club is in major debt and i have no transfer funds left, should i play youth and almost let myself get relegated in order to get a better team? Please help!
done well to get them there mate! i'd just go for it, try and get a few decent loan players in january.
You rose too high too quick. Not given your rep long enough to rise high enough and now your suffering. just try and plug holes, and dont pay to high wages just incase you go down.
Couldn't agree more, maybe get your youth playing and use a more defensive tactic.
A Portuguese LL club president once famously said, if you tie every game, you'll have enough points to avoid relegation.
Hope it helped.
so are you saying its almost certain i will go down? i havent played this save in a while, but thinking about trying to save wimbledon now its the easter holidays..
Well, its going to be a very difficult task. The only thing you can do now, is find a best 11- and stick with that. Try not to change your tactics to much and try and keep morale as high as possible. The chances are you will be relegated, so don't be afraid to give youth players a run out- It will help them in the long run. As you said said, your finances are also poor, so any players on high wages have to go- Even if there great players, you can't risk Administration.

Hope this helps and good luck :D
Thanks alot mate, im sort of hoping the owner will sell up! But i dont really have that good of a team, and im lacking a goal scorer, i reckon a 3 year plan would be sufficient to get to the premier league, i will feedback results in due course :) im quite proud of my achievements as it is though, although another succesive promotion to the premier league would have been incredible!