help with downloaded game training schedules...

  • Thread starter Thread starter forest ash
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forest ash

Dec 22, 2008
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How do i put things like training schedules into fm 2012? i have downloaded the game from here but there is no link to it in my files?

I cant do it the way i used to

Not really sure what you need help with. You say you have downloaded the game form here, but lack a link to it in your files ?
If this is just badly put and you you want to know where to put the schedules, here is the answer

Just put it into the Schedules map. If you have not yet saved a schedule, you have to create the map your self ( just add the map under My Doc/ SI/FM12/) and then import them into your save

If you mean that you have donwloaded a training schedule from here and now, when you are looking for it, you cant find it on computer, then just download it again and this time, have a look where it went
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Not really sure what you need help with. You say you have downloaded the game form here, but lack a link to it in your files ?
If this is just badly put and you you want to know where to put the schedules, here is the answer

Just put it into the Schedules map. If you have not yet saved a schedule, you have to create the map your self ( just add the map under My Doc/ SI/FM12/) and then import them into your save

If you mean that you have donwloaded a training schedule from here and now, when you are looking for it, you cant find it on computer, then just download it again and this time, have a look where it went

What im saying is there is NO My Doc/ SI/FM12??? only My Doc/ SI/FM11.

There is no fm12 on my laptop to put files into? there is a schedule file from fm11 but not from fm12 as there is no fm12 folder?

does it put it into the right place automatically when you buy it through here/steam?
Hm, not sure. I have just bought it from steam and its in the normal place, just under FM09, fM10 and FM11. Fairly easy to see where the game is located though. Either you make a search of the ocmputer ( search function) or you run the game and try to import a tactic etc, then you will see whwre the game suggests you to look for it
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