Here comes the Zun-Zun (4-4-2 Diamond)


Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Hello there, lads! I haven't really been posting tactics before, but when i played this particular tactic, i really felt i had to share it :) So here goes:
Zun-Zun's 4-4-2 Diamond

View attachment 208757

Ok, so the tactic is based on a 4-4-2 with a diamond shaped midfield. The main "speciality" in this tactic, is that there are playmakers in all three lines of midfield. (DM, MC L and AM). All of the players are told to take only longshots "rarely". (Except for Lampard in my save, but generally set to "rarely").
Torres and Drogba a SMASHING goals in the back of the net, all the time (very unlike real-life (unfortunately :( )) and Mata has 20 assists for 19 games or so :)
The tactic is kind of half-and-half of possession and direct play, both are like a knife through melted butter. Depending on the opposing team, the possession varies.

My pitch i sized "medium".
Throughout pre-season, set match preperation high to very high workload, with focus on teamwork.
During season set match preperation average to high workload, with focus on attacking movement/defending set pieces.

The player roles are set as followed:

GK: Regular goalie.

DC L: Limited defender with "defend" as duty.

DC R: Ball playing defender with "defend" as duty.

FB R/L: Set to support. Has to have some decent crossing and/or pasing skills, since the formation's got no wingers. Longshots set to "rarely"

DM: Deep lying playmaker with duty set to "defend". Set longshots to "rarely"

MC L:Deep lying pm, duty "support". Longshots "rarely", Run from deep "often", Run with ball "rarely", crossing "rarely".

MC R: Ball winning midfielder, duty "Defend". "Rarely longshots", throughballs "sometimes".

AM:Trequartista, duty "attack". Longshots "rarely", if good dribler; run with ball "often". Tick as playmaker.

ST L:Poacher, duty "attack". If the player has ok passing; set throughballs to "sometimes". Otherwise "rarely" along with longshots.

ST R:Targetman, duty "attack". "Rarely" longshots, run with ball "sometimes".

I haven't been playing this for very long (I'm going to update this OP), but here are some results, analysis etc.

View attachment 208764View attachment 208765View attachment 208762View attachment 208763View attachment 208766View attachment 208767View attachment 208768View attachment 208770View attachment 208771View attachment 208769

Important players:
View attachment 208772View attachment 208773View attachment 208774View attachment 208775View attachment 208776

Some results by PSG:
View attachment 209137View attachment 209138View attachment 209139View attachment 209140View attachment 209141

Some results by another user, testing it:
"Really nice, stable tactic that you can plug and play half way through a season..."
"Here are my results since i swapped it in":

View attachment 209073

"18 played, 17 wins, 1 draw. 59 scored (3.2 per game)..."

"Some stats from some of the games and my squad inc. 1st team regen profiles for fairness..."

View attachment 209074 View attachment 209075 View attachment 209076View attachment 209077 View attachment 209078 View attachment 209082View attachment 209083 View attachment 209084 View attachment 209085View attachment 209086

I hope somebody will try it out and post some results :)
Thank you!
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If you are playing against a much stornger team, you should probably untick Playmaker and Targetman. :)
Be very interested to see how it does with other teams... your certainly smashing it with Chelsea!

Will watch with interest!
I'm think i'm going to give it a try with Atletico Madrid and Napoli. Seems their squad fits the tactic pretty decent :)
Will be updating!
In the tactic, under 'Team Instructions' the Playmaker is the Ball Winning Midfielder - is that right?
Sure, just a minute :)

Meanwhile, you can just change the settings:

Playmaker: Trequartista
Target man: Attacker with target man role.
Balls to target man: To the head (Unless, a very short striker. But that'd be odd for a target, wouldn't it? :) )
I've just checked my tactic (Downloaded it from the link and loaded it), and it IS the amc (trequartista) who's playing the Playmaker. ;)
Sorry for the confusion, it must of happened when I was switching players around!

For example, if I drag and swap the TREQ with the BWM then the BWM becomes the playmaker - not your fault... purely mine!

Hows your new tests going?

I've been up and down with Newcastle in my 2nd season so far, but I have changed to your tactic mid-season so I'm giving it some time!
Really nice, stable tactic that you can plug and play half way through a season. I find it works even better if you play this for 60 minutes then swap to a high tempo, attacking 4-4-2/4-2-4. Generally seem to go 1-0 or 2-0, maybe 2-1 up to the 60 min mark then swap to 4-4-2 and end the game at 4-0, 5-0 or even 6-0, although sometimes you will concede the odd goal.

Here are my results since i swapped it in...

View attachment 209073

18 played, 17 wins, 1 draw. 59 scored (3.2 per game), 13 conceded (possibly down to using a 20yr old regen keeper).

Some stats from some of the games and my squad inc. 1st team regen profiles for fairness.

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@Jamin p
Looks really good, mate :) My experience is that i score maybe 1, 2 or 3 goals in the first hour, and then, maybe due to lack of consetration IDK, concede a goal. But i think i managed to solve this, by switching DM and MC R duty to support, making them pass and move a little faster. Can't tell specificly why this works, but it does for me :D
Can i use your results in the OP?


I had a crash dump yesterday evening, and i didn't start up a new save at the time, but i'm going to imediatly :P
Feel free to use the screens in the OP, they are there to be used.

Yeah i think those changes really benefit the way this system works. Wear them down with possession then make their tired legs work harder to catch your fresh ones when you turn it up a gear.
Yeah, that was what i did, when having a... Well how do i put this; "vulnerable" lead :) Additionally you can use shouts: Pass into spaces. :)