high pressure and axfisiante?


Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
how to make an uncomfortable pressure in all areas of the field especially in opponent?,
for example the madman's bilbao bielsa
Instrucción de equipo: presionar más; gritos de banda: acosar a los rivales, empujar hacia delante, puedes poner la barra de línea defensiva al máximo; utiliza las instrucciones individuales de presionar al rival; utiliza jugadores con una elevada moral de trabajo y trabajo en equipo, también vas a querer que tus jugadores de ataque sean decentes marcando.

Ten en cuenta que juego con el idioma inglés y los nombres de cada opción pueden no ser tal como los he escrito.

**********English for the rest*******************

Team instructions: press more; shouts: push higher up, hassle opponents, you may place the defensive line slider to maximum; individual instructions: sliders of closing down up; use players with high work rate and teamwork, you'll also want your attacking players to be decent marking.
what is the best formation for the pressure?
and what would be the type of positions that should be the players?
(Just saying this: it is better to use the edit button than to add new replies that fast).

Formation: It would depend on what is your rival using. You would use one that matches your rival's. As for one that would fit more cases than others, I don't know. I would consider a 4-4-2 or a 4-2-3-1 narrow (3xAMC).

Philosophy: As you go more defending the tactic creator would tend to instructions that reduce the pressure and focus more on keeping men behind the ball, so you would use more attacking tactics. So you would use attacking philosophy. You might then want to consider tweaking the manual sliders for some parts if you want a slower rhythm of place than the faster pace, longer passes, etc. Or you could just change the closing down instructions to one of the defensive ones. So if you don't want manual chances, then the more attacking; if you don't mind manual tweaks then I don't think you'd need to retrain to the more offensive.

Width: As with formation, it would me match your rival, not going too much narrower.

Marking: man marking would be the more fitting to follow players getting in the same area.
(Just saying this: it is better to use the edit button than to add new replies that fast).

Formation: It would depend on what is your rival using. You would use one that matches your rival's. As for one that would fit more cases than others, I don't know. I would consider a 4-4-2 or a 4-2-3-1 narrow (3xAMC).

Philosophy: As you go more defending the tactic creator would tend to instructions that reduce the pressure and focus more on keeping men behind the ball, so you would use more attacking tactics. So you would use attacking philosophy. You might then want to consider tweaking the manual sliders for some parts if you want a slower rhythm of place than the faster pace, longer passes, etc. Or you could just change the closing down instructions to one of the defensive ones. So if you don't want manual chances, then the more attacking; if you don't mind manual tweaks then I don't think you'd need to retrain to the more offensive.

Width: As with formation, it would me match your rival, not going too much narrower.

Marking: man marking would be the more fitting to follow players getting in the same area.

Thanks for the suggestions but I have a question I did well with the tactics that you said to me, but since I do a pressure axfisiante 3-4-3 or a 4-3-3 I tried but I find it hard