How can I get my playmaker more involved?


Nov 13, 2011
Reaction score
I currently have a Burnley game going and am doing very well being top of the league heading into March clear by 12 points so I am starting to tinker with my tactics as I have found on the new Football Manager it is essential to have several tactics to use if you want to be successful. I currently play 4-2-4 but I want to develop a 4-5-1 system ready for the Premier League and I would like to have a playmaker. The trouble I seem to have is my playmaker doesn't seem to be in the game much and it passes him by. How can I get him more involved in games?? Any advice please lads?
Few general tips:

1) Most Premier League teams soak up pressure and defend deep, which means that your playmaker is able to find more time on the ball when picking it up in deeper positions. ''Comes deep to get the ball'' PM can be extremely useful, as is having your playmaker in the DM position against most opposing teams.

2) If possible, place your playmaker on the side of the less defensively adept opposing CM (in case your PM does play centrally, of course). Opposing teams tend to man mark your playmaker, and having Giggs on his back is a better scenario, than having Fletcher trailing him. Naturally, you may tinker with the same approach if your pm plays on the wing, given that he can play on either side.

There are quite a few more ways to get him more involved, but more detailed explanation of the problem would be very helpful.
I think I am looking to get my playmaker to become more creative and get more assists. I have developed a tactic that uses 2 playmakers one deep lying playmaker and one advanced since posting my thread and it seems to have helped the problem. I want to develop a team that can play with more possesion and feel that a playmake is my best shot