How do i buy players for about 10 mill above there value

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Jun 21, 2010
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i once put in a bid for ricardo carvalho for 19 mill but chelsea put up there offer to 80 mill i bidded 75 mill then they put up there offer to 120 mill how do i sign players cheap
Players will be cheaper if...

- they are on the transfer list
- they are unhappy and want to move clubs
- the manager of the other club likes you
- they are near the end of their contract

Cant think of anything else atm
You bidded 75 mil for Carvalho? Who were you playing as?!
Go for a different player?..
Theres no certain way, some player are cheap some arent. Clubs arent prepared to sell sometimes and if they will only sell reluctantly for a lot of $$$$.
Why would you buy a 32 year old for 75mil?
Anyway use the interaction button to try and unsettle the player, if it doesn't work there's not much more you can do.
Usually players who play for higher up clubs e.g. Chelsea, will have a sale value of at least £75 million. I'd get the Genie Scout. You'd be able to find better players for a lot less money.
If you are a rival of the team that the player plays for, then they will want more. You can try and unsettle the player, or get a positive relationship with the Chelsea manager. This may drive the price down a little bit. Otherwise, you will just have to pay up, or look for another player.
pointless thread
not at all really, Stupidmoose's post answered the question perfectly as well as other useful info from our other members.... (K)
most clubs will not accept anything less than 100% more than the actual price of their players (this is referring to their stars)

you need to follow all the above steps in order to get the desired player for the best value for money (this involves months of praising and unsettling and being their favoured personel makes it ever more likely for them to join you)

always a good tip is trying to offer one of your stars (who you did not need much before i.e. being transfer listed and hoping the club of the player you are after is wanting that said player you have offered) or fringe players and using this to sweeten the deal somewhat, try straight swap as well if desired if players are reasonably similar in price and repuation :D

ongoing negotiations are vital (also try adding a 50% sell on clause as well, if you have no inention of selling the player at your time at the club)
Had I seen this post earlier, I'd have taken up Eboue for much less than what I paid (38 Mill), was short on time and had to sign him fast though :(
You're willing to give £75mil for a 32 year old? lol...that's almost like paying £100mil for Heskey. Didn't you find any younger and cheaper replacements? Ideally, someone who's not from a rival club, and preferably from a club with lower reputation than yours.
Paying 75mil for anyone over 30 is just plain and simply wrong.

They are rivals so they are going to raise it sky-hi. So basically when they say 80mil you know that's wrong but if you really want him then saying 75 is ok and then they say 120 which gives you your boundries. It is up to you to keep bargaining by adding a bit here and there and eventually you will settle with a price in between.

By the way you could but Chellini or another world class defender who is younger, better and cheaper.
Forgot to mention alternatives -

Chiellini - simply fantastic, can also fill in as a LB
Kjaer - a personal favourite, always performs well
Otamendi - performs well and matures into the best CB in most games
Danny Wilson - cheap alternative, but will mature and sell for a higher price than you buy him for

All these players are also available from teams who are not your rival - most likely.

Hope this helps as well :)
Forgot to mention alternatives -

Danny Wilson - cheap alternative, but will mature and sell for a higher price than you buy him for

All these players are also available from teams who are not your rival - most likely.
I personally recommend this. Bought him from Rangers, gave him frequent first-team football. Now he's performing great.