How do i put 2 divisions under each other for promotion/relegation?


Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
after recently getting my editor working, i have edited the SPL and the below divisions.

Premier League - SPL teams and first division teams.
Irn-Bru Premier League - 2nd and 3rd divison teams.

I have saved both the edited leagues but when i try to play the game it is not letting me play it as there is no league above the Irn-Bru league?

Im clueless as to how i do this.

Any help would be more that appreciated, thank you in advance.

---------- Post added at 06:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

anyone know?
you can change the active leagues when you start a new game, I think :)
What exactly have you done? Have you changed nation rules etc...? Bit more info and I can help or pm me your saved file and I'll get it working if you want -- though first option is better for you if you're wanting to learn for future edits :)
Read other peoples post!! There is a wealth of knowledge on here, use the search facility