How to calculate individual training

Jan 15, 2010
Reaction score

Some may have noticed I'm building an iPhone app (see thread), in this app, I want to add the possibility to calculate individual programs. However, I'm not entirely sure on how to calculate them. I would love some people to help me, because without help, I won't succeed in making this program. If I get some help, and I succeed in making a good calculator, I'm willing to make it for Android too, and I could even make it in java available to both Windows and Mac users.

Let's say we want to train a full back with duty attack. I'm taking Jack Stephens from my Southampton game as an example. So these are the important attributes for that position:

  • Technical
    • Crossing (10)
    • Dribbling (12)
    • Marking (11)
    • Tackling (11)
  • Mental
    • Anticipation (10)
    • Concentration (10)
    • Off The Ball (12)
    • Positioning (13)
    • Team Work (11)
    • Work Rate (12)
  • Physical
    • Acceleration (11)
    • Stamina (12)
If we map that to the different training categories:

  • Strength
    • Jumping
    • Natural Fitness
    • Stamina (12)
    • Strength
    • Work Rate (12)
  • Aerobic
    • Acceleration (11)
    • Agility
    • Balance
    • Pace
  • GK - Shot Stopping
  • GK - Handling
  • Tactics
    • Anticipation (10)
    • Composure
    • Concentration (10)
    • Decisions
    • Teamwork (11)
  • Attacking
    • Crossing (10)
    • Creativity
    • Off The Ball (12)
    • Passing
  • Ball Control
    • Dribbling (12)
    • First Touch
    • Technique
    • Flair
    • Heading
  • Defending
    • Marking (11)
    • Tackling (11)
    • Positioning (13)
  • Shooting
    • Finishing
    • Long Shots

So how do we calculate how much weight a category should get?
The Tactics and Attacking category have the lowest attributes that are important, so these should get the most focus, right?
Then Aerobic and Defending?
Then Ball Control and Strength?

Or am I seeing this wrong? Should there be a higher weight on some attributes? Does it matter how much important attributes there are in a training category?

How about individual focus? Will this go on the lowest attribute, and how do you choose one if there are 2 equal?

I really hope I can get some help! I'll be giving something back to the community (free programs)...

You're also welcome to add me on Skype: sander.declerck
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That would be amazing really would be helpful and you should make android version
I like the idea and I like what you are trying to do, but according to Mantralux's thread (on this site or her website) after info given from Sports Interactive on the training sliders for FM12, each player has their own unique "sweet spot" for the training sliders, so whilst you can figure out roughly where the most work for a player needs in training, I think you'll find it very difficult to work out a "calculator" for optimum training.

What I mean is, looking at your player, you seem to have got the areas correct for focus for the player, but there are so many things to take into account, do you stick tactics on 20 slider clicks when 16 may or may not be enough for the peak performance for your player anyway? Is you full back just going to have the default slider settings on the tactic screen? Any change in how you want him to play may (or even change in fluidity, rigidness) could change the weight and usefullness of the "default" attributes you have highlighted.

I'm not criticising what you are trying to do, just going you some food for thought and ideas you may need to look into for your calculator. If you get it to work, I'll be one of the first to test it though, good luck!