How to create tactics?


Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
I know the procedure in game, but whenever I make a tactic, it fails really bad, with any team, no matter how long I play with it.
First of all, I just want to make my own tactics, so I won't need to download others work and play with their tactics.
I don't know anything about tactics, to be honest, the positions, the attributes needed for any position, etc, then, the team instructions, I don't have a clue about them.
So, I want to know what to start off with. A guide or something related to the things I mentioned before and how to make your tactic would be good.

read through these mate and ask anything you like :) the first thread is just for possession making tactics, the second one is for anything regarding tactics :)

1) choose your formation that suits your team
2) choose roles (auto assign if you like)
3) decide what type of style of football you want to play (this should be done first)
4) edit players instructions that best suit their attributes
5) buy players to fill gaps you have in your tactic that your current players cannot do
6) play and test, make changes
7) use shouts that go hand in hand with your style of football
8) sort out set pieces manually (this is important to do)
9) see where weaknesses are from the matches you played and counter them with changes in formation or instructions
10) save your tactic
I highly recommend you take a look at Raikans Threads, his are the most indepth at this point in time. Its also a place where you can share Ideas and help you think more intricately about tactic building.

How do I know this, I've struggled a little myself, the threads are very informative, Also Raikan certainly knows a lot! (It brings his social life into question at time :P)
lol, why do you think I am not here all weekend :) my life is my work and during which time I am on Fm-base when I am not flying around the country attending meetings :) for eg: tomorrow, I am off to several meetings for the whole day! but I make time for Fm-base as clearly, we all love it :)

thanks Jono! much love