How to manage your finances & make money in Fm13

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raikan007
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Feb 6, 2009
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This is a quick little guide/benchmark for buying players using the "infamous" Installment method:

1) if you can afford to buy players in full, do it as your future Transfer Budgets will not be affected and you wont be owing money every month!

2) if you have no money but you would like to buy in some key players, then use the 48 month option, just remember though, that you are going to be paying money every month for 4 years and if you do this for say 4 players, you could easily be paying close on and more than 1million a month.... which is alot of money and can lead to bankrupcy and even Administration...

so this is something that you need to carefully consider when using this method...

3) if you are going to do this method (which we all do) then you are going to have to start winning some competitions and getting placed well in the League (European Qualifications etc etc) to ensure that you can generate the money that is owing and increase in turnover from the more games you play in these competitions...

4) another method that I use is that instead of selling players for upfront cash, I sell them over a 48 month period, I try and get to a point that the money I am spending every month for my new player is countered by the money coming in from my old player... and even more so that I would be getting in money every month rather than spending...

So the moral of this story is:

1) Do it for key players, but ensure that you do not over do it
2) For the 1m player, do it over 48 months as you will only be paying 21k a month
for 4 years which is not much...
3) Be sure to try and counter the expenditure by selling players over 48 months
4) Keep an eye on your finances...

Originally Posted by Aannddyy

Raikan's pretty much spot on in what he' saying..

Always have one eye on your finances as it's very easy to go into the red and not all owners are willing to keep bailing you out. Re-vamping your squad using monthly installments is a pretty bad idea, considering clubs like Stoke don't make that much profit especially if you are adding £1m on transfers each month for the next 4 years and an extra £200 - £300k per week on the wage bill, this will also massively effect any future transfer budgets and the likelyhood of upgrading any facilities.
Originally Posted by Lazaru5
afaik, if you have £0 budget you can't buy any players...

monthly instalments works thus: (at least, I'm pretty sure this is what happens)

When you buy a player and pay in instalments, the initial fee AND the first years payments will be taken from your budget (this might be adjusted if the purchase is in the January window to the first 6 months of the instalments - not sure). Subsequent transfer budgets will be adjusted to take into account the payments already owing.

So, if you want to buy a player for £1 million and pay half up front and the rest over 2 years you will lose £750k from your transfer budget.

If you choose to pay the whole amount in installments over, say, 4 years, then you will lose 250k from your transfer budget initially.

Basically, "initial fee" + "first 12 months installments" = "total loss from transfer budget"

someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the way I work it out when buying players and it seems to be correct (or pretty close).

Here are some tips on controlling your finances and increasing your monthly turnovers into profits:

1) Get Feeder clubs overseas for merchandising and marketing...

You should ask for a feeder club `to increase profile in another country`. This is a good way to raise merchandise sales as they help you to build a fan base in another nation.(mainly in Japan, United States or Saudi Arabia) I managed to get 3 feeder clubs for financial benefits and my merchandise sales are 25m up compared to first season and I`m currently in my 3rd season.

2) buy in players from Asia (or even better yet, the country you have your feeder club in)

3) Adjust your wage budget and put all your extra transfer budget into your wage budget (this will earn you interest and when you do need to buy a player, a lot of the time you can just adjust your wage budget at the touch of a button)

4) Be dilligent in offering contacts and bonuses to your players you dont want your main striker scoring 25 goals a season at 44k each
Originally Posted by Tharros
Both have their uses. Upfront gives you peace of mind knowing that you wont have to pay anymore in the future or you are not too sure about your financial stability. Paying via installments means you can get more out of your budget, but do so with caution. If you overspend using installments the long term effects can be disastrous.

Originally Posted by TommyKae

Assume you have a squad of superstar players with yearly wage increase clauses, high appearance fees, goal bonuses and so forth. While players like Stevie G may be irreplaceable, your players like Cole and Kuyt are not. And they're earning what, 80-100k? That amounts to 640-800k/month.

If you're losing 7m/month, cutting two players like that loose will cut your losses by about 10%. Bring in young prospects - you know which ones are good, you know which ones can cover their positions. They'll probably ask for wages of up to 50k, lower appearance fees, lower goal bonuses etc. You'll really slash your running costs by bringing in the young kids.

You could also have more squad than you can support - so get rid of surplus players. I know it's great to have depth, but you don't need 6 DC's just because 'they're all good', or 'what if someone gets injured?'. I've had that problem - just exercise some discipline in the transfer window and use kids from the youth system to cover up for the guy who's covering for your regular DC. Usually won't last for more than a game or so and it gives the kids some first-team experience, which is always nice - especially if they're hot prospects.

Also, attract fans. A full ground can bring you in a lot of money.The better your results, the greater the attendance. Also, better performances mean more TV revenue. If you build it (an awesome squad), they (people with money) will come. Continental competition also always brings in lots of money - expect merchandise, match day, TV and ticket revenue, as well as prize money, to fatten the account.

Most importantly, though, is to keep your squad bill under check. Take into account how much the club is earning NOW and adjust your squad's wages to meet that figure. No point in counting your chickens before they've hatched, or you could end up like Leeds Utd.

Originally Posted by Miller11

This ^

Stop buying players for your first team and concentrate on building your youth team by poaching young talents from other clubs on the cheap.

It relies on having good youth facilities, enough spare cash to poach talent, excellent scouts to find the talent, great coaches to train them and probably good older players to mentor them too.

these are all ways to make money, if you want a really good look at how to make profit, take a read through here

Tips on making a Profit

this was just more for monthly installments but I thought that Finance needed to be covered as well...

hope this is useful,

Neil, think that was my old thread. Seems to have gotten deleted. If you wish to take some of my advice and add it to your op feel free to as I dont have the time to expand upon it further:
Be warned, its pretty long
Ok I have been meaning to do this for quite a while now as I consider myself very thrifty when it comes to financial management. This guide will give you useful snippets of information when it comes to making profits, be it monthly profits or end of year profits. It will also tell you when and if you should cash in on your players. I consider myself experienced to do this as in 7 years I took a Mid Table Serie A side to the pinnacle of World Football and overtook Barcelona as the Richest Club by making a profit of £400M on a shoestring budget.

Section 1: Wages

Generally it is advised not to exceed 80% of your total wage budget. so that would be no more than £800k out of every £1M. Most people think if you get a budget of £1M you should spend it all. That is far from the case is this is the maximum acceptable level and even being close to this figure will result in small losses. Some clubs tend to have enormous wage budgets that are unwanted. An example is Liverpool who spend £1.4M every week to a pretty average team. You have the likes of Maxi, Carroll, Downing, Henderson, Cole, Aqualani, Kuyt, Johnson, Agger, Gerrard and Carragher on inflated wages. None of these players would be considered world class except maybe Gerrard. That is 800k in wages for 11 players who arent indespensible. This team despite their wages would do well to finish in the top 6 of a league. Consider the wages screen in depth. You will see that wages are split into how important your players are (key player,rotation etc.).

As it goes you should have maybe no more than 3 key players. These are your must have players that will make the difference over a season. They may make up to 8.5% of your wages you use each. So 8.5k a week for every 100k used. Maximum 255k/1M
The same goes for first team players. You should not have more than 3 first team players. They can earn up to 6% of your wages each. So this would be 6k a week for every 100k used. so that would be 180k/1M
Rotation players are a dilemma. They are of good quality but not definite starters every week. You can have between 5 and 8 players in this category. They should not be offered more than 4% of what you spend on wages each. So that is 5k out of every 100k. Lets take the maximum(8) as an example. 360k/1M
Backup players generally dont play often so they should be only offered 2% of your wages each. You should have no more than 8 back up players. This works out at £2k for every £100k used each. 160k/1M
Hot prospects should not be offered more than 1% of your wages so this is 1k for every 100k used. You should have no more than 6 hot prospect players. 60k/1M
Decent young Players are pretty useless and never will progress to your first team. They should be kept to a low number and sold off for small profits.

This allows for 30 players at a total cost of £1M per week. This would be an ideal set up for a world class team winning league titles and cups consistently. Scale back depending on your clubs aspirations.

Section 2: Transfers and Transfer Budget

In this section we will deal with both buying and selling players and also scouting. The ability to work the transfer market well seperates good managers from great ones. This can be a valueable way of making your club big money if you find a system that works with you.

Buying players is the most essential thing you will do as a football manager. It is important not to pay over the odds for a player as if they fail you can be lumbered with a flop for years. Most managers make the mistake of buying big name players for extrordinary fees. However with some careful scouting you may find a player of similar ability or potential for a fraction of the price. The golden rule is not to pay large sums of money for players nearing their prime. Players like David Villa and Wesley Sneijder are unrealistic transfers as they are in their respective prime of their careers and will cost an arm and a leg to buy. Generally dont buy a player over the age of 24 as after this they have almost reached their peak and will be more expensive. The exception to this is an occasional free transfer who is already in their peak or maybe past it who can still improve your team. A useful tip is to loan a player if you are unsure he is suited to your team. Always negociate a future fee for them as if you like the player you can get them for the fee you agreed. If it doesnt work out you can send him back with no obligation to buy. After the first season always look out for regens as this is the cheapest way to build a top squad. When offering contracts never settle. You can negociate with agents and offer lower than they ask for. Generally I find you can save quite a bit in agent and signing on fees aswell as basic wages.

Selling players is just as crucial for a football manager. The important thing is dont sell players for less than their worth unless there unwanted. The best time to sell players is when they are in their peak(28 for outfielders, 32 for goalies). This will command a higher transfer fee and also ensure you get rid of the players before they start to decline in value. When selling a player make sure they have at least 2 years left on their contracts as any less will result in the possibility of losing the player for nothing. Clubs also wont pay near as much for a player who is in the final year of their contract as if they had a couple of years to run. If you struggle to sell players try offering them out to clubs. If by chance you are left with a player you dont want who earns a lot in wages offer them out on loan. Even if the club cover half his wages he will cost you less and may play regularly which will raise intrest in him. If a player demands money to move to a smaller club it is generally a good idea. Sure you have to pay a portion of their wages but it frees up some much needed funds. For example I had to get rid of Joe Cole who earned 90k a week. He would move to West ham if I paid 30k a week of his wages. This made sense to me as it freed up 60k in wages rather than let him rot in the reserves. Avoid releasing players for a fee as you can usually get rid of the player on a free transfer which saves you paying out the rest of their contracts.

Scouting is the best way to find bargains. There are several different ways to scout. You can look for out of contract players, first team players and youth prospects. It can be a good idea to scout all major junior tournaments such as the youth world cup and the french youth invitational. Another option is to scout developing countries, reserve and youth leagues. This option generally finds some talents available for nominal fees. I find it best to have about 6 scouts. Send 5 out on assignments and keep your best one at the club. If your scouts come back with a promising player send your best scout to watch them. Generally your other scouts dont need to be as good as your cheir scout as they only find targets, good points for a scout are judging ability and adaptability. Your cheif will pass final judgement. he should have good judging potential and ability.

Section 3: Parent and Feeder Clubs.

Parent and Feeder Clubs are a useful way on hepling you make money and also help save money.

Parent Clubs are generally for small reputation teams. The benefits from these usually involve you being paid a fee by the larger club. You can also ask for a parent club to be offered talented young players on loan and they sometimes offer you financial help and one off upgrades of your facilities.

Feeder Clubs are for large clubs and you may request one for a variety of reasons. You can ask for a feeder club to increase your scouting range. These clubs can help find new talent in other continents. These clubs usually dont ask for large fees to be associalted with you.
Commercial link Clubs are best for clubs with Continental and Worldwide reputation. These clubs tend to be from China, Japan, Korea, The United States or the Middle East. These clubs may cost you a couple of million pounds a year to be associated with but they help expand your fanbase and als your merchandising revenue. To maximise revenue from these clubs play a tour of their country in pre season which generates interest and also try sign a top player from that country. The merchandising sales from this can really benefit. With a Commercial link you can easily double or triple your merchandising inside 2 years. They also help expand the fan base, and more fans mean higher gate receipts.
You can also look for feeder clubs to secure talented youngsters from their academys. This can be useful if you pick a team which has a good record of producing quality youngsters. To reap the benefits from this you should have that country loaded as a playable league as you generally get better regens.
Finally you can have a feeder club to offer out your youth prospects on loan. This gives them game time and helps develop them. The more they develop the more desirable they will be and will be in turn worth more should you wish to sell them.
cool Steve :) that should suffice, thanks for the extra info!
such a brilliant read! thanks for the advice and i'll certainly be trying this
My owners don't want to "increase the profile in another country". They say that they don't see the gain in doing something like that.
A little tip i use is i have my defenders on a really high goal bonus with lower wages. Max they will score is 5 goals a season anyway
My owners don't want to "increase the profile in another country". They say that they don't see the gain in doing something like that.

just try again in a few months mate.. the board can be full of it sometimes
i havent seen an option in fm13 for this? am i missing things?
Im a little confused on the transferring all your transfer budget into the wage budget and how that helps?
i'v had a bad time in the finance department with Liverpool, every month im losing at least a couple Million, but most expensive player i bought is 300.000 and i was able to off load Joe cole earning £90k a week and Carragher was willing to lower his wage from £85k to £43k, im spending about [FONT=arial, sans-serif]£200k less then my wage budget. and my couches wage bill is decent. we fighting for title which im hoping if im successful ill earn a decent load of [/FONT]£. but over last month i recieved Stevie G, Glen Johnson, Enrique, Henderson, Skrtel, lucas all injuried min 7 weeks. :( tough times
Would be great if I could start a "LOVE UNITED, HATE GLAZERS" campaign in FM. :)

It's already there. Just wait a season then take over FC united of Manchester and take them to the premier league and beat man Utd.
A little tip i use is i have my defenders on a really high goal bonus with lower wages. Max they will score is 5 goals a season anyway

I'd have all my players on high bonuses and lower wages as then if they preform they get paid more but if their injured or not as good then I'm not paying then as much. For example. When I offer a contract to Nigel Reo-Coker, who will be my backup player, he asks for 35k contract. Then I raise his appearance, goals, team of the season and international bonuses then lower his wages to roughly 25k. So if he's injured/ doesn't play I'll be saving 10k a month. Payment on performance. ;)
The biggest benefit I've found when negotiating contracts is a minimum fee and the end of season team bonus in players contracts.

This is particularly good for your average players or rotation players who aren't going to start each week as the chances they end up in the team of the season is low so you can offer them £500k bonus (or more) and really lower their wages, plus its unlikely the computer would spend £20-£30m to activate a release fee as well.

By doing this I've managed to knock off 30-50% on several players initial wage demands.

Final tip are agent fees and loyalty bonuses. Always worth upping the agent fees by £X and lowering the loyalty bonus by £2X so your saving overall.
Just one question actually, when buying players in asia etc, do they have to be of the same nationality i.e. buy from america need to be american
I'm playing with Atletico Madrid and I asked for a commercial feeder club, the board asked if I wanted to choose it, so I did and selected Seattle Sounders in MLS (makes sense, my in-game nationality is American) but the board rejected it? I already have a feeder club in China, I should try the Mid-East I guess.
I'm playing with Atletico Madrid and I asked for a commercial feeder club, the board asked if I wanted to choose it, so I did and selected Seattle Sounders in MLS (makes sense, my in-game nationality is American) but the board rejected it? I already have a feeder club in China, I should try the Mid-East I guess.

saudi arabia i would try, seattle may be to high reputation, try someone like dallas
saudi arabia i would try, seattle may be to high reputation, try someone like dallas

Yeah, I originally thought someone like Dallas or Houston due to the number of Spanish speakers in Texas. But I saw Seattle didn't have an affiliate and they've got a big fan base.

Thanks, though!