How to play against 4-2-3-1?


Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
I always seem to struggle playing against 4-2-3-1 (the one with wingers). Anybody got any ideas on how I should set my team up? :)
I always seem to struggle playing against 4-2-3-1 (the one with wingers). Anybody got any ideas on how I should set my team up? :)

It would highly depend on HOW they play within this formation. Are they agressiv, sitting back, playing compact and on the counter, playing à wide controlling and attacking approach ?

Depending in the answer, your approach should be different. Firstly, lets assume that you dont want to play à new formation but instead more or less to your standard approach within your normal formation. How do you normally play ?
As one example:

I play à Balanced 451, using Quick wingers and some hardworking, yet creative MCs. Here, I focus the play through the middle against all wide 4231( Amr AML mc mc ) to exploit the fact that they leave à huge gap between their defence and midfield. Depending on how the opponent play and how much I fear them, I either sit deep and use lots Of Width and shout "play wider, retain possession, pass to feet" to be more in control or play on the counter and " more narrow, pass into space, get forward" to hit them early on the break, letting My wingers move into channels. Always through the middle though.