How to play the top teams in the premier league when you are a small team


Feb 3, 2011
Reaction score
I am Swansea in the premier league and my next opposition is Man city i am just wondering if anyone can give me tactic tips
Well first off make sure you select your best possible starting 11 . If you are playing at home you can try being not so defensive and play a little more attacking . This is simply because even though they are Big teams they will still look to play a little more defensive or conservative away.

Play on the Counter :
Tick Counter Attack BOX
Pick Counter Strategy
Use Shouts such as : Get Ball Forward , Pass into Space, Pump ball into box, Clear the Ball to Flanks and Get stuck in , Drop Deep could also work

Those shouts suit a more direct style of play. In my opinion its better to play direct when you are a major underdog. Playing a possession game against a much superior opposition does not make sense. You have to be efficient with the small amount of possession you'll get.All of this also suits a big, strong striker who you can hoof the ball to or punt it too. What I like about playing a counter-attack based game is that the chance(s) ( It may be only one ) is usually a very good chance because you usually catch the opposition out of position and off guard.

I hope you also have a variety of personnel who have attributes such as Determination, workrate and teamwork . Determination is great for your players because they will possess the grit to try and get back in the game if you are a goal or two down.
I would say to make sure you stay up long term you need to get either a very large or very small pitch and have a tactic that works well at home. Winning your home games is key in the EPL as a small team.

If you want you can try out my personal tactics i use. They work in the EPL and the Blue Square South and anywhere in between.

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It is a 451 with 3 variations; control, standard, and counter. No shouts are necessary, have assistant apply tactics and team talk automatically, and make sure you get one that is good in motivating and man management, as well as the other desired attributes.

Make your home pitch as small as possible, use control or standard at home, standard or counter while away. I will probably be making a thread soon with full instructions and details. Dont ever go into "player instructions" unless you are in a game or it will mess up the specific marking instructions.
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