
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
hi guys

i am doing quite well i think as hull i am 9th 18 games gone i made big changes at the club bort in 14 players lol

main signing

edu from valencia 500k doing well
bobby convy -player exchange doing ok as back up
sanchez gk -2 mil he is class
leonardo LM ajax-1.3 mil really gd player
anderson pico lb - hes consistant motm when i played united away and got a 1-1 draw hes only 19
but my best signing is o,toole from watford he is just 2 gd got him for 1.5 mil his value is now 3.2 he got 7 goal 8 assits in 15 prem starts only 20 from cm

anyway does anyone know any bargins in jan i got henrick larsson coming in so far also does anyone know some gd loans i can get outside of england only

thanks for reading and any help u mite give me (H)
there a striker from zenit call pavel, cant rem his last name buts he is ace, i cant seem to win wiv hull
so craig u also playing with hull

yh the guy from zenit is gd but dont ave the money to ge him lol
hi again guys i am just about to finish my first season with hull coming in a decent 11th finish not really sure how far i can take them any 1 got some tips on wt gd players i can get in next season cheap as posible loool
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yeah thats him, ya can get him on loan for 1m and 1m furtue fee, yeah i am, i cant seem to find a decent tactic 2 use, u did well finishing 11th
yh i was happy with 11th hull are quite generous second season gave me 20 mil for mid-table finish i played a 4-4-2 with AMR and AML

how many games into the league are you ?