I can't seem to scout for more than one day


Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
Whenever I go to add a scouting assignment I can choose the nation I want to assign a scout and the type of player (age, ability, more specific things.)

But I don't see a length option. I can see "Roaming" in the bottom left corner but I can't tick that. I have signed some scouts and they only time I can make them go on an "ongoing" search is when they are doing it when I sign them, without any user input from me.

Anyone have the same problem?
Yea I am having the same problem. I had my scout set to scout Spain and he finished after one day. Not sure if this is a bug or I am missing something.
Yea I am having the same problem. I had my scout set to scout Spain and he finished after one day. Not sure if this is a bug or I am missing something.

If that scout has high scouting in Spain already, he won't need to do Spain again, look for a scout that don't have Spain for scouting already (AKA no line of Spain), have that scout to do want you want in Spain.
ive worked that out now. cos i have been having the same problem. it is stupid though. i thought you would get better results from someone with better knowledge of a nation. so francis cagigao is just sipping sangria instead of looking for players when i send him to spain. what am i paying him for. lol.
poor decision to put this in the game.
Has anyone figured out how this works?

If I send someone who actually has knowledge of a country they come back after a day or two with a handful of players. I send a scout who knows nothing, he takes 3 months but he comes back with 50+ players. Ive tried insta sending them back out again but they come back again with the same 5 players.
Well the scout coming back with the same players isn't unusual... That would be realistic especially if you are sending them to an obscure country that doesn't have many top quality players.
Well the scout coming back with the same players isn't unusual... That would be realistic especially if you are sending them to an obscure country that doesn't have many top quality players.

I'm not, im sending them to England, Scotland etc, where they have 100% knowledge and ive got the leagues loaded on max db size.
Try adjusting what they are searching for? Change the age bracket and price range? See if they bring you some new results that way.
I have the same issue. Wanted to send scouts out on regen dates. Set specific paramaters like ability, age at most 18. However scout would come back with no findings. Or if scouting with less parameters scout would come back in one day! Seems as though scouts come back with what they know based on knowledge of that nation. Now if i spend the time to scout through teams, leagues, nations myself i can always find players with better stats and potential then the scouts! Pretty pointless having scouts then!
If you send a scout straight back to a nation/region he's just finished scouting, especially with the same parameters, it's not going to take long for him to the players he found yesterday.
The thing with this though, is that although the scout has a cracking knowledge of said country, there will ALWAYS be new players who come through the ranks at various points in a year/ season (you would think).

So it doesn't really make sense.
I sent a scout to argentina (had no previous knowledge), set some criteria (possibly too high), he came back after 3 months with no findings! So i sent him again, this time with lower criteria. He came back 1 day later with 4 reports. I sent him back for the third time, again with lower criteria and he came back a day later with 20+ reports!
I assume then a scouts knowledge of a nation relates to how effeciently he scouts that nation. If you send a highly knowledgable scout to a nation in quick succession, he will come back quickly. Maybe if you send him back after say 6 months, he may take a bit longer. Or again he will return after one day because he knows the nation well and will know where to go to find talent. With the point about there always being new emerging talent, this may reflect in your scouts report as there will be more players in his new report. Bottom line is a scouts knowledge in my view relates to how effeciently he completes that assignment finding what is there already!
(the filters i originally used was: age not older than 18 & ability at least 3 stars = too high to find new wonderkids! On following assignments i kept the age filter the same and lowered only ability to 2 stars = 4 findings, then only 1 star with many findings with a PA of 4-5 stars!)
Hope that helps and makes sense guys!