I gave up, this game is not the game I fell in love with... SI ******** it really...

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Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
I don't wanna lose to much words on it, just see the screenshots.
It is happening in every single season, with every single team, no matter which country, which league, top team or underdogs, it is just happening on and on and on... Come on guys, yes, AI might crack my tactic up, yes they might be playing more defensively and cautious after a while, yes they might also get one, two, three or even four lucky moments, but how on earth, really how on earth can it be really that exagerrated as this? I mean, yes in RL you have also examples, when underdogs perform pretty well, they will later come back to reality and so on.. but honestly, a team, which is leading the league in the last 7-8 games, can not be falling so much apart that really, but really nothing works anymore. No signs of best defence, no signs of most dangerous attack and most goals... suddenly nothing works... Bournemouth was at the 16th place...
It is not just one example, this was the thing which really got me mad... in every single save it is the same... I dont believe these guys, who say they have unbeaten seasons, they become champions without any signings in first season with midtable teams and so on... Its all about lying and showing off... I am now playing this games version for more than hundred of hours and I have always made the same experience... you can use generally the crappiest tactic and you might perform like a god, when morale is high and everything runs pretty well... this game is for god's sake all about tactics and tactical details. I switched from EA's version just because of that ******* reason and now, they are ******** it up, with tunnel interviews, pre game interviews, team talks, building new stadiums and so on... its all just random. you set up a tactic, you run well for 30 weeks, dream about winning the title and every single week it can be very quick, you lose a game, you think it is due to bad performance or bad luck, you dont think, ok its time to change, you lose a scnd and everything is too late...
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