I need an idea!

Feb 16, 2014
Reaction score
After a few failed story attempts I'm really starting to struggle for ideas of a successful story what will keep people interested

If anyone can help me that would be great

Trying to do the exact same thing here mate as my Celtic save crashdumped after 7 hours gaming time yesterday and I hadn't saved it! Gutted! haha! Who to be?! Hmmmm.
I think the key thing is a team you are going to stick with, people get overall followings like KLIPPYBO from years of stories its not the team he is its the stories he makes, there are a few people on here who are also well known for starting stories and never getting very far so whoever you are stick with them im not fussed if your Liverpool or Luton
I'm guilty myself of giving up on a few stories but it's a learning process.

The only advice I can give is don't worry about keeping people interested in your save. Keep yourself interested in the save!
Usually we have the luxury of rage quitting if the opening game goes badly or taking a break if you get burned out but if you're writing a story, you've almost got to set aside a schedule to make sure there are regular updates coming out.
I'd like to start a story but the designer in me and OCD can't decide on the best way to do it or workflow to make it easy. I need easy screenshot uploads, simple easy posts!

How do you guys do it?