
Nov 25, 2011
Reaction score
:S I have been trying some of the plug and play tatics from this site with northampton town but no matter wot i try i cant seem to get the same results that everyone else seems to get. I have brought players which are required but it still dont work im running out of ideas and its starting to get on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If speaking in general about the tactics uploaded here and at other forums, tactics that have brought great results, they have one thing in common and its that you need player that are in form and with great morale for them to function. If using really attacking tactics that uses a high pressing game, its crucial that your players are up for the job.If they lack in confidence or in form, they will simply play nervously or fail to get first to the ball. It does not matter what "great" tactic you try to play if the plaeyrs are out of form etc. Here, you need to grind out a few result and get morale back on track.

My best advice would be the following.

1.) Look at the squad you have, do you have any strengths or weaknesses compared to the other teams in the league, like some pacey forwards or perhaps some really slow fullbacks etc?

2.) Next, set up a new tactic with the TC. use a more Balanced approach

3.) Use the players to their strength and perhaps some players to make up for your weaknesses. Like if you have a pacey forward with good off the ball stats, them play him in an advanced position and let him concentrate of the attacking movements only ( i.e no closing down).If you have really slow DCs, then perhaps you need to play a DMC and use a deeper d-line etc etc

4.) When giving out the roles, make it balanced.Not too ,many player on attack, not too few on support etc

5.) Play some games in full mode and use some of the shouts to see how they effect the flow of the game. When the opponent sit deep, what happens if you slow tings down a bit and play wider, using overlaps etc
thanks will try it wot about team talk when ive played matches and winning at half time i say well done keep it up i end up losing the game
thanks will try it wot about team talk when ive played matches and winning at half time i say well done keep it up i end up losing the game

Apart form the fact that it might not have been the team talk only, I would actually take notes on what team talk that works with your players ( and how it functiosn in general).

Iin this game, when you are 1 or 2 goals up at H:T, I would say that while they are playing well, they can do even better or that this win can easily be turned into a loss.In short, you either tell them that you believe they can do even better or that you warn them against complacency.