I sentence you to five years of hard gold farming

Aug 1, 2009
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China used prisoners in lucrative internet gaming work | World news | guardian.co.uk

Playing WoW as punishment? Bit too cruel, imho. Waterboarding's more humane.

Memories from his detention at Jixi re-education-through-labour camp in Heilongjiang province from 2004 still haunt Liu. As well as backbreaking mining toil, he carved chopsticks and toothpicks out of planks of wood until his hands were raw and assembled car seat covers that the prison exported to South Korea and Japan. He was also made to memorise communist literature to pay off his debt to society.

But it was the forced online gaming that was the most surreal part of his imprisonment. The hard slog may have been virtual, but the punishment for falling behind was real.

"If I couldn't complete my work quota, they would punish me physically. They would make me stand with my hands raised in the air and after I returned to my dormitory they would beat me with plastic pipes. We kept playing until we could barely see things," he said.
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That's cruelty at it's finest!
Now that's just going too far, forced to play such a **** game all night...
I hate (there, I said hate) that game. **** it.
Meh, im not afraid, i have FM, FIFA and PES gods on my side :D
brutal Chinese. no wonder east asian = starcraft (or star****) and Wow experts
I used to play Lineage II. A lot. And you could actually make some money by selling in game characters and stuff. WoW was pretty similar IIRC, albeit with **** gfx. Wouldn't surprise me if the guards were making a profit out of the prisoners.
I used to play Lineage II. A lot. And you could actually make some money by selling in game characters and stuff. WoW was pretty similar IIRC, albeit with **** gfx. Wouldn't surprise me if the guards were making a profit out of the prisoners.

Of course they were making money from it, did you not bother reading the article?
Lee's social life compares to that of Chinese prisoners, go figure.
Of course they were making money from it, did you not bother reading the article?

Of course the big guys are making money, happens here too (not with wow, though). I meant the guards and not 'the bosses'. The little guys with sticks, that's why I think they'd be so emphatic with the whole wow thingie.
That's actually a good business idea, although it is damaging to your social life and health, it would be quite fun and you actually earn money! Wonder if I could sell my FM saves...
people sell items they find in TF2 (hats and weapons) on ebay and stuff. Astounds me that people actually buy them
people sell items they find in TF2 (hats and weapons) on ebay and stuff. Astounds me that people actually buy them

What's more bizarre is the fact people buy freely available facepacks etc for Football Manager on eBay.