I'd just like to say...

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Mod-ern Day Legend
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score
From what I gather, there's been a slight bother surrounding FM-Base recently, what with people having negative opinions of the site. Apparently, it's been quite a furore. This has rather passed me by. I'm a pretty new member of this site, and this is a post that probably shouldn't be being made by such an insignificant member of FM-Base, but I want to voice my opinion.

Honestly, FM-Base is one of the best forums I've been on. As a community, the single best thing about it is its general friendiness. When I first arrived, people were eager to make me welcome, treat me as an equal alongside older, more established members of the site. This is a site dedicated jointly to Football Manager, and football in general. Football is a subject about which it is easy to become emotional, yet in this community there is a healthy atmosphere, where banter and joking is taken in good grace. Of course, there are some that try to destroy this happy environment, which leads me neatly onto my next topic of praise.

The moderators on this site are absolutely superb, and second to none on the internet. Honestly, you'd be hard pushed to find such helpful, friendly and effective moderators. They seem to know instinctively where someone has crossed the line and hold the power to sort it out, yet are also very much part of the community. Take the "Moderator Requests" thread: how many other sites' mods are willing to devote the time to sort out, let's be honest, fairly trivial little problems. The good grace and politeness in which the mods work in FM-Base is the framework that makes the site so good.

There is very, very little in this site to find fault with. Free downloads of the highest quality, kit request threads, challenge of the month, request a player screenshot, request a sig threads. The list is endless and the level of discussion in most threads is pretty **** high. There isn't a more rounded community around, and I'm extremely happy I stumbled across such a welcoming, fantastic site and community.

This is just a post to make my feelings known, and I'm sure most of you on FM-Base feel the same way as me. I'm saying this as the antithesis of all these anti-FM-Base posts that have been arriving. I don't know whether this is an appropriate thread, but I'll leave that up to the impeccable judgement of the mods.

In short: isn't this site great?
I thought this would be another hate-Lee thread when I saw the title. But points well made, mate. :)
From what I gather, there's been a slight bother surrounding FM-Base recently, what with people having negative opinions of the site. Apparently, it's been quite a furore. This has rather passed me by. I'm a pretty new member of this site, and this is a post that probably shouldn't be being made by such an insignificant member of FM-Base, but I want to voice my opinion.

Honestly, FM-Base is one of the best forums I've been on. As a community, the single best thing about it is its general friendiness. When I first arrived, people were eager to make me welcome, treat me as an equal alongside older, more established members of the site. This is a site dedicated jointly to Football Manager, and football in general. Football is a subject about which it is easy to become emotional, yet in this community there is a healthy atmosphere, where banter and joking is taken in good grace. Of course, there are some that try to destroy this happy environment, which leads me neatly onto my next topic of praise.

The moderators on this site are absolutely superb, and second to none on the internet. Honestly, you'd be hard pushed to find such helpful, friendly and effective moderators. They seem to know instinctively where someone has crossed the line and hold the power to sort it out, yet are also very much part of the community. Take the "Moderator Requests" thread: how many other sites' mods are willing to devote the time to sort out, let's be honest, fairly trivial little problems. The good grace and politeness in which the mods work in FM-Base is the framework that makes the site so good.

There is very, very little in this site to find fault with. Free downloads of the highest quality, kit request threads, challenge of the month, request a player screenshot, request a sig threads. The list is endless and the level of discussion in most threads is pretty **** high. There isn't a more rounded community around, and I'm extremely happy I stumbled across such a welcoming, fantastic site and community.

This is just a post to make my feelings known, and I'm sure most of you on FM-Base feel the same way as me. I'm saying this as the antithesis of all these anti-FM-Base posts that have been arriving. I don't know whether this is an appropriate thread, but I'll leave that up to the impeccable judgement of the mods.

In short: isn't this site great?

Here here.
Yeah, what I don't understand is the people that are complaining have been on the site for a week.

Admittedly, the site isn't as good as it was but the amount of people going (pretty much because Max<3 left) is ridiculous.
I agree with you mate, this is a really great site with some really great people on it.
People say its gone down hill etc etc well i disagree. In my opinion its gets better and better.
From what I gather, there's been a slight bother surrounding FM-Base recently, what with people having negative opinions of the site. Apparently, it's been quite a furore. This has rather passed me by. I'm a pretty new member of this site, and this is a post that probably shouldn't be being made by such an insignificant member of FM-Base, but I want to voice my opinion.

Honestly, FM-Base is one of the best forums I've been on. As a community, the single best thing about it is its general friendiness. When I first arrived, people were eager to make me welcome, treat me as an equal alongside older, more established members of the site. This is a site dedicated jointly to Football Manager, and football in general. Football is a subject about which it is easy to become emotional, yet in this community there is a healthy atmosphere, where banter and joking is taken in good grace. Of course, there are some that try to destroy this happy environment, which leads me neatly onto my next topic of praise.

The moderators on this site are absolutely superb, and second to none on the internet. Honestly, you'd be hard pushed to find such helpful, friendly and effective moderators. They seem to know instinctively where someone has crossed the line and hold the power to sort it out, yet are also very much part of the community. Take the "Moderator Requests" thread: how many other sites' mods are willing to devote the time to sort out, let's be honest, fairly trivial little problems. The good grace and politeness in which the mods work in FM-Base is the framework that makes the site so good.

There is very, very little in this site to find fault with. Free downloads of the highest quality, kit request threads, challenge of the month, request a player screenshot, request a sig threads. The list is endless and the level of discussion in most threads is pretty **** high. There isn't a more rounded community around, and I'm extremely happy I stumbled across such a welcoming, fantastic site and community.

This is just a post to make my feelings known, and I'm sure most of you on FM-Base feel the same way as me. I'm saying this as the antithesis of all these anti-FM-Base posts that have been arriving. I don't know whether this is an appropriate thread, but I'll leave that up to the impeccable judgement of the mods.

In short: isn't this site great?

every member is valuable mate ;)
How can people say the site is going down hill?, personally i think the site is going up hill, but all thanks have to go to the admins, mods and sean of course :)
Yeah, what I don't understand is the people that are complaining have been on the site for a week.

Admittedly, the site isn't as good as it was but the amount of people going (pretty much because Max<3 left) is ridiculous.
Stop licking Max' *** mate, the site has been fine without him. In my opinion since that "gang" broke up the forum has been much better.
We seem to get the trouble making tarts around this time when the FM game is getting boring, and they are waiting for the new one. I have to agree that this is the very best of the FM sites around. The other Mods are OK at best...however, I am the coolest by a long stretch...

Seriously, this site is great, no question

Stop licking Max' *** mate, the site has been fine without him. In my opinion since that "gang" broke up the forum has been much better.

The point is I wasn't licking Max's ***, therefore didn't leave? oO)

By the way, our gang pwned, we are bad init.
Just one thing , why is Tony like that? does he enjoy being banned all the time? talking ***** all the time ? being an *** all the time ? annoying people?
Tony's banned! This site is amazing!

But yeah, good point GodCubed, now donate ;)
Stop licking Max' *** mate, the site has been fine without him. In my opinion since that "gang" broke up the forum has been much better.
Stop being such a ******. There was no real need to call bcfc an *** lick|)

Theres nothing wrong with the site, except joe.:$
Stop licking Max' *** mate, the site has been fine without him. In my opinion since that "gang" broke up the forum has been much better.

It's been fine, but I'd swap most members on here to have him back.

And about the "gang" you're only pissy over that as "the gang" picked on you.. (H)
From what I gather, there's been a slight bother surrounding FM-Base recently, what with people having negative opinions of the site. Apparently, it's been quite a furore. This has rather passed me by. I'm a pretty new member of this site, and this is a post that probably shouldn't be being made by such an insignificant member of FM-Base, but I want to voice my opinion.

Honestly, FM-Base is one of the best forums I've been on. As a community, the single best thing about it is its general friendiness. When I first arrived, people were eager to make me welcome, treat me as an equal alongside older, more established members of the site. This is a site dedicated jointly to Football Manager, and football in general. Football is a subject about which it is easy to become emotional, yet in this community there is a healthy atmosphere, where banter and joking is taken in good grace. Of course, there are some that try to destroy this happy environment, which leads me neatly onto my next topic of praise.

The moderators on this site are absolutely superb, and second to none on the internet. Honestly, you'd be hard pushed to find such helpful, friendly and effective moderators. They seem to know instinctively where someone has crossed the line and hold the power to sort it out, yet are also very much part of the community. Take the "Moderator Requests" thread: how many other sites' mods are willing to devote the time to sort out, let's be honest, fairly trivial little problems. The good grace and politeness in which the mods work in FM-Base is the framework that makes the site so good.

There is very, very little in this site to find fault with. Free downloads of the highest quality, kit request threads, challenge of the month, request a player screenshot, request a sig threads. The list is endless and the level of discussion in most threads is pretty **** high. There isn't a more rounded community around, and I'm extremely happy I stumbled across such a welcoming, fantastic site and community.

This is just a post to make my feelings known, and I'm sure most of you on FM-Base feel the same way as me. I'm saying this as the antithesis of all these anti-FM-Base posts that have been arriving. I don't know whether this is an appropriate thread, but I'll leave that up to the impeccable judgement of the mods.

In short: isn't this site great?

i have no like bar so "like" :)
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