
Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
I HATE Injury Proneness. Particularly with defenders, as I like to keep largely the same back 4 for most games.

So managing Man United isnt ideal atm... Luke Shaw and Phil Jones are both young, great potential, first team quality - but injury prone... they spend a couple of months injured each...

Im tempted to sell them both and replace... What would you do?
If you would be you, I would make special training regimes for them, finish the season with them in your team so you dont disrupt the team Cohesion (chemistry) and then sell them. I for one, I never players that dont have at least 14+ natural fitness. Therefore, I dont have that many problems with injuries in my saves. I am curently managing Milan, my fav club and I barely had any injuries this season. I am in april and my worst injury was Montolivo's (1 month). The rest were like 2 weeks maximum and it were not many. But keep in mind: if you have injury prone players, make special training for those, you will be pleased with the results. Also, if you have 2-0, 3-0 in a game, replace those players even before min 75. Keep them fresh at all costs.
Due to Man United debt problems Im only able to retain 25% of transfer fee's atm anyway, so have to wait a while to sell if I wanted too...

I can keep Jones as a first team cover, as he can play CB/RB/CDM and give him enough playing time to stay happy.

I'll look at making special training for Jones, and shaw if I keep thanks :)