
Nov 2, 2013
Reaction score
I got Iron curtain achievment at the end of the season ("Your team conceded the least league goals over an entire season") really shouldnt have (i was managing Catania) .Unless im missing something.Anyone else getting achievments that they shouldnt?

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Nope but I've not got some achievements that I have qualified for. Very annoying, though I don't think it really matters, Steam achievements don't really do anything for you right?
Ok i agree it doesnt really matter.Luckily its a steam achievment and not an actual game bug....but its one of those things that raises my eyebrow anyway.
Did they concede more 3 or more goals in their play off? Only think I can think of.

Ok that would explain it ,but i have no way to check for sure since i dont remember when exactly i got it.. .still ,thats what probably happened and its a bit stupid. Playoff stats shouldnt affect regular season stats.Oh well.. Thanks!
Actually I don't think that's possible as they still conceded less than you and you weren't in the playoffs so couldn't have conceded any after that. Not sure why you got it then
Maybe the game considers Serie B and Serie B playoffs as the same competition far as steam achievments go. Its not right ,but its the only thing that makes any remote sense.