Is it worth to buy FM2014?


Nov 12, 2010
Reaction score
As the title says, would like to know what the general opinion is. Buy it or wait for next years edition?
Thank's in advance.
Inspite of all the bad things that is being said, I still feel this year's FM is among the best. There have been advancements, although the irritating bits still make you want to tear your hair out, or crush some players with a sledgehammer.. But, it's still rather good. Although it has indeed become more intelligent, so that's a good thing (inspite of the bugs present). OVerall, I'd say yes.
YES! It's always worth buying the newest version of FM, since it has a lot of changes, and most of them are in a good way! :)
This years FM is the best for sure and is for sure worth buying. It certainly has its faults but it's such an in-depth brilliant game
Yep, complainers can complain all they want, but despite the debatable flaws with the match engine, the game itself feels like a stride forward.

One of my favourite features is how the game is set out: all the interaction features (press conferences, transfer offers) are integrated into your inbox. Makes it a lot easier to navigate.

no way man its like having a second wife itll drive you nuts
you could wait for a sale.... Steam does a few deals once in a while
Yeah defo worth getting and it's just under 12 quid on steam just seen it in the specials while I was looking for a bargain
i will never buy Fm before the last patch...i didn't play game before 14.3 patch because of things are better and game is more playable and enjoyable
For sure. Even with the frustrating flaws (goalkeeping gods, mostly -__-), the ME forces you to make changes to your tactics.
I'm constantly satisfied when I produce a big win, because it feels like I personally led them to this victory.

But yeah, just wait for a Steam sale.