Is the offside in this game broken or is it just mine?


Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
The offside in this game seems rediculously broken, its been the same with every version of fm I have played. Offside seem to be given at random it seems, I have had players had the flag on them when they were passing around in front of the opposition back line. And just now I had a flag shown for a player that was on the right wing when the ball was being played down the left.
Is this a common problem? is it mended by any patches?

.. is it intentional? (supposed to represent lineman error or something, if it is, it happens FAR too often)
Left or right wing is indifferent.

It's the player receiving the pass being in the further side of the enemy defense at the moment the pass was kicked.

One kind of wrong offside it does give is that of one who doesn't do anything in the play.
Yeh offsides are a bit flawed...i suppose you learn to get used to it!
Ye the offside rule does sometimes flag up anyone in an offside position, probably a very hard thing to instil into the game with the offside rule in real life being a joke anyway!
If people and real life referees and linos struggle, then the game is bound to!
Yeah, this is very annoying. Sometimes offside is even given while the ball is still ****** travelling. D: